在定义Model之后使用syncdb 同步的时候报出这个错误,检查之后发现是用错了.在model的Meta里面,排序这些用的应该是 ordering = ['last','first','middle'] unique_together = ['first','last','middle'] verbose_name_plural = "people" 如果是误写成 ordering = {'last','first','middle'}        unique_together…
再用selenium编写测试脚本时,发现出现python 'WebElement' object does not support indexing 报错问题问题,再找一些解决方法时,发现Appium编写移动端的脚本也会出现这类问题,记录一下自己踩过的坑,希望能帮忙正在踩坑的你! 修改后再次执行同样的代码:…
Python字典dict中由value查key 众所周知,字典dict最大的好处就是查找或插入的速度极快,并且不想列表list一样,随着key的增加越来越复杂.但是dict需要占用较大的内存空间,换句话说,字典dict是以空间换速度.详细请见如下示例: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ student = {'小萌': '1001', '小智': '1002'…
django-guardian (1.1.1+) - Object level permissions support. Home - Django REST framework https://www.django-rest-framework.org/#example…
纯小白 遇到的细节问题: 报错 一开始看到这个傻逼了 TypeError: '_io.TextIOWrapper' object does not support item assignment 其实就是 关于 序列化的细节问题遗漏 增加一个变量 接收反序列化文件即可…
vectorsum.py#!/usr/bin/env/pythonimport sysfrom datetime import datetimeimport numpy as np # def numpysum(n):# a = np.arange(n) ** 2# b = np.arange(n) ** 3# c = a + b# return c def pythonsum(n): a = range(n) b = range(n) c = [] for i in range(len(a))…
1.源代码 以下代码执行时会报  range' object does not support item assignment 的错误,问题出现在第17行的runge(10): import unittest import random class TestSequenceFunctions(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): #初始化一个递增序列 self.seq = range(10) def runTest(self): #从序列seq中随机选取一个元…
TypeError: 'range' object does not support item assignment I was looking at some python 2.x code and attempted to translate it to py 3.x but I'm stuck on this section. Could anyone clarify what is wrong? import random emails = { "x": "[REDA…
From: https://github.com/graphql/graphiql/issues/688 psyCodelist commented 11 days ago Hi, Thank you in advance. Just wanted to let you know the the web interface not working on ie11. looks like we need add Array.from polyfill: err: Object doesn't su…
python 是个逐步迭代开发的过程,他不是向下兼容的,更不是向上兼容,版本不一致,好端端的程序就是不能运行了. 下面是在python 2中能运行,在Python 3中不能运行的代码.其实也很简单.但是这些边边角角的东西着实让人头疼. >>> a=range(10)>>> arange(0, 10)>>> del[a[1]]Traceback (most recent call last):  File "<pyshell#6>&…