python下载.whl安装文件后使用pip安装有时候会提示报错"xxxxx not a supported wheel on this platform",应该是下载的库文件版本与当前运行的python不一致,重新下载安装包即可. 一般第三方库都会同时支持好几个python版本和环境,如何正确选择下载的安装包呢?例如安装OpenCV第三方库,官网上有这么多安装文件: 可以通过以下方法查看应该下载怎么样的安装文件: 打开DOS命令行,进入python交互界面: C:\Python36\…
1.使用命令出现. You are , however version is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command. PS D:\安装\Python36-\Lib> PS D:\安装\Python36-\Lib> PS D:\安装\Python36-\Lib> python -m pip install --upgrade pip Col…
1,pip ssl certification ssl: certificate_verify_failed... 2,Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement Flask-B ootstrap== (from -r common.txt (line 2)) (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for Flask-Bootstrap==…