
1.Information publication:EMNLP 2014 author:Jing Liu(在前一篇sigir基础上,拓展模型的论文) 2.What 衡量CQA中问题的困难程度,提出从两个方向建模 1)利用Competition的比较:Competition Modelq = {ua ≺q , q ≺ub , ua ≺ub , uo1 ≺ub , · · · , uoM ≺ub } , 2) question Text Similarities for QDE,相似程度的问题具有相…
CIFAR-10 Competition Winners: Interviews with Dr. Ben Graham, Phil Culliton, & Zygmunt Zając Dr. Ben Graham Dr. Ben Graham is an Assistant Professor in Statistics and Complexity at the University of Warwick. With a categorization accuracy of 0.95530…
Kaggle Competition Past Solutions We learn more from code, and from great code. Not necessarily always the 1st ranking solution, because we also learn what makes a stellar and just a good solution. I will post solutions I came upon so we can all lear…
The Most Wonderful Competition Time Limit: 3000/1000MS (Java/Others)     Memory Limit: 65535/65535KB (Java/Others) Submit Status Last week, School of Applied Mathematics held a competition of flying kite, contestants are divided into pairs, and one c…
M. Quadcopter Competition time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Polycarp takes part in a quadcopter competition. According to the rules a flying robot should: start the race from…
题目链接:Multi-Subject Competition 题意:给定n名选手,每名选手都有唯一选择的科目si和对应的能力水平.并且给定科目数量为m.求选定若干个科目,并且每个科目参与选手数量相同的情况下的最大能力水平. 题解:每位选手扔到对应的科目里面,从1-m遍历科目,能力值排序下,维护下能力值和,大于0就给到当前位置人数答案加上该值,否则跳出(给负价值是没有意义的),最后遍历一遍人数对应的价值,拿最大的即可. #include <vector> #include <cstdio&…
/* ljc20020730出的HGOI20190407的模拟赛. 考试结果比预期难的不少,可能是由于本来计划5h的比赛打了4h吧. 就当普及组模拟赛好了... 难度大概4紫吧(弱省省选难度) 出境 小F 命题ljc20020730 */ Task 1 Travel 评测地址 Task 2 Language 评测地址 Task 3 Lemon-Tree 评测地址 Task 4 Future 评测地址 杭高互测比赛,这次轮到我出题. 题目是Typing Competition Round #1 出…
2009 Putnam Competition B3 题目大意: \(T(t\le10^5)\)次询问,每次询问\(n(n\le2\times10^6)\)以内的正整数构成的集合,有多少满足若\(a\in S,b\in S\)且\(2|(a+b)\),则\(\frac{a+b}2\in S\). 思路: OEIS A124197 显然,取值区间\([1,n]\)和\([2,n+1]\)答案是相等的. 用\(f(n)\)表示\(n\)以内的合法集合的答案,考虑二阶差分\((f(n+1)-f(n))…
Codeforces 1082C Multi-Subject Competition https://vjudge.net/problem/CodeForces-1082C 题目: A multi-subject competition is coming! The competition has mm different subjects participants can choose from. That's why Alex (the coach) should form a compet…
Problem Description As we know, Rikka is poor at math. Yuta is worrying about this situation, so he gives Rikka some math tasks to practice. There is one of them: A wrestling match will be held tomorrow. n players will take part in it. The ith player…