APP上线审核被拒那些事(一) 2.3 - Apps that do not perform as advertised by the developer will be rejected 2.3 Details Your app has the UIFileSharingEnabled key set to true in the info.plist, but we were not able to share files from your app. Next Steps If your…
在一个应用程序中添加了多个antivity后,在manifest.xml文件中会除了主Activity外,其它的Activity属性中都会有个警告: Exported activity does not require permission 这是因为在Activity中添加了intent-filter属性,这个属性的添加意味着该Activity已经暴露给了不同进程的应用,也就是 说其它的应用程序不需要任何权限就可以自由的实例化该Activity.显然,如果不是有特殊需求,没人会希望自己写得应用程…