第一部分 单选题(前10题,每题2分;后10题,每题3分;共50分.选对得满分,选错倒扣一分,不选得0分.) 1.字符串"alibaba"有 个不同的排列. A. 5040 B. 840 C. 14 D.420 2.下列一段C++代码的输出是 . class Base { public: int Bar(char x) {return (int)(x);} virtual int Bar(int x) {return(2*x);} }; class Derived :public Ba…
前言:原题来自于网络:http://www.cnblogs.com/nausicaa/p/3946694.html.本人依据自己理解对题目进行解答.因为水平有限.题目有不会做.做错的地方.欢迎大家留言讨论,本博客会持续更新,谢谢关注. 1. 某团队有2/5的人会写Java程序,有3/4的人会写C++程序,这个团队里同一时候会写Java和C++的至少有()人 A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 8 E. 15 F. 20 2. 某团队负责人接到一个紧急项目,他要考虑在代号为ABCDEF这6个团队成…
2014 WAP校园招聘笔试题 Problem's Link: http://www.doc88.com/p-6751117015483.html WAP公司笔试题 We are planning an orienteering game. The aim of this game is to arrive at the goal (G) from the start (S) with the shortest distance. However, the players have to p…