function x = normalize(x, mu, sigma) x = bsxfun(@minus, x, mu); x = bsxfun(@rdivide, x, sigma); end 这里归一化使用的函数为: x′=x−μσ 还可根据具体问题,使用特定的归一化函数: (1)web's law normalization: x←x⋅log(1+∥x∥2/0.03)∥x∥2 (2)unit norm normalization: x←x∥x∥2 (3)no normalization…
当参数 A 是正定矩阵(positive definite)时,logdet 利用相关矩阵分解的性质,将比 log(det(A)) 获得更快的效率: function y = logdet(A) try U = chol(A); y = 2*sum(log(diag(U))) ; catch y = 0; warning('logdet:postdef', 'Matrix is not positive definite'); end end…
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