What's the difference between RHN Classic and Red Hat Subscription Management? Introduction With the introduction of Red Hat Subscription Management, Red Hat supports two technologies when registering your Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers. However, f…
HowTo Install redhat package with YUM command without RHN February 26, 2014 in Redhat / Linux Tips and TricksTags: build local repository, build redhat local repository, HowTo Install redhat package with YUM command without RHN, This system is not re…
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register…
我虚拟机安装的系统是RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.4-i686,是32位的.使用yum命令安装软件时候出现以下错误: This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management.You can use subscription-manager to register. 主要原因就是redhat的yum源是需要注册付费的,所以我打算卸掉红帽原有的yum源. 步骤一: 首先我们检查一下当前已经安装的yum包…
错误原因:使用redhat的yum源是需要注册付费的. 1.卸载RedHat自带的yum包 查看已安装的yum rpm -qa|grep yum #卸载已安装的yum rpm -qa | grep yum | xargs rpm -e --nodeps #再次查看已安装的yum rpm -qa|grep yum 2.使用国内新的centos的yum包替换redhat自带的 地址如下:http://mirrors.163.com/centos/ wget http://mirrors.163.co…
看这篇文章前,先说一下我的实际情况.本来要部署docker服务的,然后yum安装任何软件都不起效果,最后通过老师远程的帮助,最后成功安装上docker,老师的解决办法就是忽略这个问题,直接自己配置网络yum源,然后完美解决(对,没错下面的文章可以不用看了).由于机子没开虚拟化,结果启动docker服务时报错.开启CPU虚拟化后,又出现新的错误,docker的oci报错,oci是docker网络标准,结果更新系统,重启机器问题已解决. 使用yum命令安装软件时候出现以下错误: Loaded plu…
[root@controller0 ~]# yum install ntp Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register. http://mirror…
转载请注明出处:https://www.cnblogs.com/kelamoyujuzhen/p/9087725.html  这类问题归根到底就是软件源问题,Linux下安装软件不像windows.Linux软件管理知识参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/kelamoyujuzhen/category/1283689.html 问题描述 RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.4,64位.使用yum命令安装软件时候出现以下错误: This system is not…
Environment Red Hat Customer Portal Certificate Based Subscription Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Issue How to delete System Profiles from Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM)? How to delete System Profiles managed…
Wrong date and time, reset the date and time in the system properly. It may also happen that system has registered but no subscription attached to it, below command can be used to auto attach available subscription # subscription-manager attach --aut…