yum lock 解决方法】的更多相关文章

用yum安装包有时候会提示 ``` Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...   The other application is: PackageKit     Memory : 128 M RSS (439 MB VSZ)     Started: Fri Aug 28 08:08:31 2015 - 48:25 ago     State  : Sleeping, pid: 3462 `…
方法一: # ps aux | grep yum # kill -9 pid 方法二:可以通过执行rm -rf /var/run/yum.pid 来强行解除锁定,然后你的yum就可以运行了 解释: [root@localhost wangcheng]# yum list Existing lock /var/run/yum.pid: another copy is running as pid 3807. Another app is currently holding the yum lock…
centos在yum install报错:Another app is currently holding the yum lock,这个问题可能是很多的新手经常遇到问题,之前也有人问我,包括本人在刚刚学习centos的时候也遇到过. Another app is currently holding the yum lock,这个意思很明显就是说,有另外一个应用在使用yum,被占用锁定了,所以咋办呢,直接结束掉呗. 可以通过强制关掉yum进程: # rm -f /var/run/yum.pid…
安装了一个Python2.7,隔天发现yum无法使用,报错信息如下,应该是系统是使用的默认的python2.6的版本 解决办法修改yum文件#vi /usr/bin/yum将 #!/usr/bin/python 修改为 #!/usr/bin/python2.6…
1)下载repo文件 wget http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7.repo 2)备份并替换系统的repo文件 .repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ mv CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Base.repo.bak mv Centos-7.repo CentOS-Base.repo 3)执行yum源更新命令 yum clean all yum makecache yum update…
svn在pull的时候,出现svn already lock 错误.只需要在Cleanup里面勾选Break locks…
1.去 http://mirrors.163.com/centos/6/os/x86_64/Packages/ 地址下载4个rpm安装包:python-iniparse-0.3.1-2.1.el6.noarch.rpmyum-3.2.29-81.el6.centos.noarch.rpmyum-metadata-parser-1.1.2-16.el6.x86_64.rpmyum-plugin-fastestmirror-1.1.30-41.el6.noarch.rpm2.下载完成之后上传到服务器…
Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit... The other application is: PackageKit Memory : 46 M RSS (925 MB VSZ) Started: Thu Jul 6 08:40:45 2017 - 01:57 ago State : Running, pid: 10884 解决方法:手工杀死yum进程 sudo kill -9 10884…
yum是Linux软件包管理器,也叫yum源,在yum使用过程中,有时会出现Loaded plugins错误,重启无效,遇到这种情况该如何解决呢?下面就给大家介绍下Linux yum提示Loaded plugins错误的解决方法. 在linux中使用yum时出现如下错误: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security Existing lock /var/run/yum.pid: another copy is running as pid 4733. Anot…
myeclipse用svn提交的时候报错: Attempted to lock an already-locked dir svn: Working copy 'D:/Program Files/MyEclipse 6.6flex/workspace/emis/WebRoot/emis/emresource' locked org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Attempted to lock an already-locked dir s…