在将FFmpeg编译成IOS版的时候,接触到编译脚本的一段(删减了部分): for ARCH in $ARCHS do if [ "$ARCH" = "i386" -o "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ] then PLATFORM="iPhoneSimulator" else PLATFORM="iPhoneOS" fi XCRUN_SDK=`echo $PLATFORM | t…
155down votefavorite 185 It appears that we can - theoretically - build a single static library that includes both simulator and iPhone and iPad. However, Apple has no documentation on this that I can find, and Xcode's default templates are NOT confi…
archive成功了,但是在输出ipa时要求有账号密码 可以通过命令行方式输出,绕开账号检查1.进入Windows-Organizer-Archives,找到要输出的scarchive列表项:2.右键点击它,选择[Show in Finder]:3.右键点击.xcarchive文件,选择[显示包内容]:4.依次进入子目录 Products-Applications-找到你的目标文件,它其实是一个.app文件(目录):5.使用Go2Shell打开终端,进入该文件所在的目录:(也可以手动cd进入)6…