转:http://letsunlockiphone.guru/find-imsi-number/ HOW TO FIND IMSI NUMBER (UPDATED) You probably already know about possibility to unlock your iPhone on any firmware version and any baseband using SAM unlock. It’s really working method, and involves s…
实用的SQL语句 行列互转 create table test(id int,name varchar(20),quarter int,profile int) insert into test values(1,'a',1,1000)insert into test values(1,'a',2,2000)insert into test values(1,'a',3,4000)insert into test values(1,'a',4,5000)insert into test va…
行列互转 ) select * from test2 --列转行 select id,name,quarter,profile from test2 unpivot ( profile for quarter in ([Q1],[Q2],[Q3],[Q4]) ) as unpvt sql替换字符串 substring replace SQL查询一个表内相同纪录 having 如果一个ID可以区分的话,可以这么写 ) 如果几个ID才能区分的话,可以这么写 其他回答:数据表是zy_bho,想找…
行列互转 复制代码 create table test(id ),quarter int,profile int) insert into test values(,,) insert into test values(,,) insert into test values(,,) insert into test values(,,) insert into test values(,,) insert into test values(,,) insert into test values(…
The following analysis was performed on a S8 data line locator which replied to the hidden SMS command for version query (*3646655*) with: Ver=MTK6261M.T16.17.01.10 build=2017/01/10 17:33 Introduction A while back Joe Fitz tweeted about the S8 data l…
0×00 引子 近年来,随着云计算.物联网技术的快速发展,物联网的理念和相关技术产品已经广泛渗透到社会经济民生的各个领域,越来越多的穿戴设备.家用电器通过蓝牙.Wi-Fi.Li-Fi.z-wave.LoRa等技术接入互联网,成为联网的终端设备. 但是由于这些技术普遍为短距离无线通信技术,通常被设计用于室内和短距离使用,在室外尤其是非视距下性能表现非常差,而作为现有成熟的GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication)技术,因其网络在全国范围内实现了联网和漫游…
Jmeter_Beanshell 返回值中提取参数值[准备环境]: ①Jmeter版本:5.1,JDK:1.8 ②前置条件:将json.jar包置于..\apache-jmeter-5.1\lib\下,并将该jar包添加到测试计划的Library中:否则会报:Typed variable declaration : Class: JSONObject not found in namespace的错误: ③处理器:Beanshell处理器,import org.json.*;(一般习…