springboot 启动的时候报错: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'solrClient' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/solr/SolrAutoConfiguration.class]: Bean instantiation via f…
windows server2008下如何更改MySQL数据库的目录的帖子已经很多了,这里简单介绍一个步骤,如果不成功请先查看其它帖子. 更改默认的mysql数据库目录 将 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data 改到 D:\MysqlData . 建立文件夹 D:\MysqlData . 停止 mysql 服务,将 "C:\Documents and Settings\Al…
spring JMS在接收消息的时候总是报错 org.springframework.jms.UncategorizedJmsException: Uncategorized exception occured during JMS processing; nested exception is javax.jms.JMSException: Unexpected error occured at org.springframework.jms.support.JmsUtils.convertJ…
idea启动测试类报错 Error running 'Test1.test': Command line is too long. Shorten command line for Test1.test or also for JUnit default configuration. 注意: 最简单的方法,就是你重新创建一个新的测试类,在里面重新写一遍测试方法,代码都可以粘贴过去. 解决方法: 1.打开本项目的.idea文件夹,找到文件夹中的workspace.xml文件 2.搜索 Proper…
启动zuul时候报错:The bean 'proxyRequestHelper', defined in class path resource [org/springframework/cloud/netflix/zuul报错信息如下 *************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *************************** Description: The bean 'proxyRequestHelper', def…
1.使用root配置的hadoop并启动会出现报错 错误: Starting namenodes on [master] ERROR: Attempting to operate on hdfs namenode as root ERROR: but there is no HDFS_NAMENODE_USER defined. Aborting operation. Starting datanodes…
启动Tomcat服务器报错: Several ports (8005, 8080, 8009) required by Tomcat v5.5 Server at localhost are already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. To start this server you will need to sto…
Weblogic AdminServer 启动fail,报错"unable to get file lock, will retry" 参考原始: Weblogic AdminServer fails with "unable to get file lock, will retry" error message (Doc ID 1613945.1) 适用于: Oracle WebLogic Server - Version 8.1 and later Inform…
每天开机之后,启动MYSQL Notifier就报错,第一次出现重启电脑后解决,后面的几天老是出现,重启电脑好几次都没有解决,感觉很烦人,一定要搞定这个问题找到原因,于是有了下文....... 启动MYSQL 57报错信息"The service MYSQL57 failed the most recent status change request with the message time out has expired and the operation has not been comp…
问题: 使用Apppium1.6启动ios9.3报错Original error: Sdk '9.3.5' was not in list of simctl sdks 我的启动配置如下 { "platformName": "ios", "platformVersion": "9.3.5", "bundleId": "com.wuba.zhuanzhuan", &qu…
初步猜测原因是:keepalived容器内的keepalived.pid文件在keepalived容器非正常退出时,没有正确删除,造成第二次启动时容器检查到pid文件已经存在,认为该进程已经存在,因为keepalived容器的启动检查机制只允许同一台主机上启动一个进程,所以无法启动,并报错:daemon is already running注:该问题是keepalived软件本身存在的一个bug,如果需要优化,可以考虑在keepalived容器内增加脚本,在keepalived容器启动前进行一次…
Spring Boot作为目前最流行的Java开发框架,秉承"约定优于配置"原则,大大简化了Spring MVC繁琐的XML文件配置,基本实现零配置启动项目. 本文基于Spring Boot 2.1.0.RELEASE版本了解Spring Boot如何启动 首先让我们看一下最简单的Spring Boot启动代码 @SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication { public static void main(String[] a…