NoSuchObjectException(message:There is no database named cloudera_manager_metastore_canary_test_db_hive_hivemetastore_df61080e04cd7eb36c4336f71b5a8bc4) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.ObjectStore.getMDatabase( at org.apache.h…
P6 Professional Installation and Configuration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server Database) 16 R1       May 2016 Contents About This Guide...................................................................................... 11 Shared Topics in This Guide .…
SQL Server database administrators may frequently need in especially development and test environments  instead of the production environments to kill all the open connections to a  specific database in order to process SQL Server maintenance task ov…
MVP可以在channel 9上传视频了,所以准备做个英文视频传上去分享给大家,本文做稿子. Hello everyone, As we all know, SQLite is a great and popular local database running on mobile devices. Consider of its powerful and useful features, lots of apps use SQLite database as the main way of a…
In previous articles we have utilized NSUserDefaults and .NET web services to persist iPhone data. NSUserDefaults is idol for storing small amounts of data. Web services are used to store the data on a custom server. In this article we will take a lo…
Source: Probably it’s not secret for you that every .IDB files contains header with your license information. There are two “netnodes” in every .IDB file that…
本篇讲述如何在 JUnit 4 下正确测试异常,我会从 try..catch 的方式谈起,然后说到 @Test(expected=Exception.class), 最后论及 @Rules public ExpectedException 的实现方式,最终基本可确定用 @Rules 是最方便的. 我们在用 JUnit 测试方法异常的时候,最容易想到的办法就是用 try...catch 去捕获异常,需要断言以下几个条件: 1. 确实抛出的异常2. 抛出异常的 Class 类型3. 抛出异常的具体类…
Source: Probably it's not secret for you that every .IDB files contains header with your license information. There are two "netnodes" in every .IDB file…
Description of the problem: When you tried to drop a user, you got this message: Error: 15138 The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped. Cause: That means, you are trying to drop a user owning a schema. In order to d…
App.xaml.cs中的代码每次都差不多,故特地将其整理出来直接复用: using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Syst…
​本系列文章经补充和完善,已修订整理成书<Java编程的逻辑>,由机械工业出版社华章分社出版,于2018年1月上市热销,读者好评如潮!各大网店和书店有售,欢迎购买,京东自营链接: 之前我们介绍的基本类型.类.接口.枚举都是在表示和操作数据,操作的过程中可能有很多出错的情况,出错的原因可能是多方面的,有的是不可控的内部原因,比如内存不够了.磁盘满了,有的是不可控的外部原因,比如网络连接有问题,更多的可能是程序的编程错误,比如引用变量…
Managing Windows Azure SQL Database using SQL Server Management Studio You can use Windows Azure SQL Database Management Portal or the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) client application to administer your SQL Database subscriptions and create and…
If you're storing anything in MySQL databases that you do not want to lose, it is very important to make regular backups of your data to protect it from loss. This tutorial will show you two easy ways to backup and restore the data in your MySQL data…
背景 国际化是指在设计软件,将软件与特定语言及地区脱钩的过程.当软件被移植到不同的语言及地区时,软件本身不用做内部工程上的改变或修正. 本文提到的异常响应信息国际化是指:前端向后台发起请求,后台在处理逻辑中发生异常,把异常信息返回给前端,返回的异常信息应该支持国际化,能够对应特定的语言.地区等环境.例如,中文语言环境下返回的异常信息应该是中文的,英文语言环境下返回的则是对应的英文. javaweb项目中,不管是对底层的数据操作,还是业务层的处理过程,还是控制层的处理,都不可避免的会遇到各种可预知…
Database Initialization: We have seen that Code First creates a database automatically in the Simple Code First Examplesection. Here, we will learn how Code first decides the database name and server while initializing a database. The following figur…
原文: Java异常控制机制又被称为“违例控制机制”. 捕获程序错误最理想的时机是在编译阶段,这样可以彻底避免错误的代码运行.但并非所有的错误都能在编译期间侦测到,有些问题必须在运行期间解决. 错误在运行期间发生时,我们可能不知道具体应该怎样解决,但我们清楚此时不能不管不顾地继续执行下去.此时应该做的事情是: 暂停程序的运行 指出何时.何地发生了什么样的错误 可能的话应处理此错误并恢复程序的执行 Java异常控制机制的作…
1. 1.Tnsnames when connecting to either Container or Pluggable instance The tnsnames.ora should be configured , for eg to add a tns entry for pluggable database PDB_OMF_1 PDB_OMF_1 =  (DESCRIPTION =    (ADDRESS_LIST =      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)…
1. 1.Tnsnames when connecting to either Container or Pluggable instance The tnsnames.ora should be configured , for eg to add a tns entry for pluggable database PDB_OMF_1PDB_OMF_1 =  (DESCRIPTION =    (ADDRESS_LIST =      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(…
使用 proxool,JDBC连接池,进行批量运行的时候遇到异常: The Thread responsible was named 'Thread-32′, but the last SQL it performed is unknown because the trace property is not enabled. 问题原因:sql语句运行后.长时间未返回数据,则抛出此异常,此时间再proxool.xml中有配置.例如以下(详见红色字体部分) <proxool> <alias&…
异常如下: ### Error updating database.  Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id = '1…
Chapter6 Controlling Database Location,Creation Process, and Seed Data 第6章 控制数据库位置,创建过程和种子数据 In previous chapters you have seen how convention and configuration can be used to affect the model and the resulting database schema. In this chapter you wi…反面模式 An anti-pattern is a common response to a recurring problem that is usually ineffective and risks being highly counterproductive.[1][2] The term, coined in 1995 by Andrew K…
前言 本文主要大致介绍CentOS 7下编译安装Nginx.MariaDB.PHP.面向有Linux基础且爱好钻研的朋友.技艺不精,疏漏再所难免,还望指正. 环境简介: 系统: CentOS 7,最小化安装 IP: Nginx: 1.6.1 MariaDB: 5.5.39 PHP: 5.5.16 1.准备工作 1.1.系统硬件准备 尽管Linux能最大化发挥硬件资源,但RHEL/CentOS随着版本增加对最低硬件的配置也越来越高[1].RHEL7/CentOS最低…
原文地址:MYSQL之错误代码----mysql错误代码与JAVA实现作者:戒定慧 his chapter lists the errors that may appear when you call MySQL from any host language. The first list displays server error messages. The second list displays client program messages. Server error informati…
第一章 监控知识基本概述 1.1 为什么要使用监控 1.对系统不间断实时监控2.实时反馈系统当前状态3.保证服务可靠性安全性4.保证业务持续稳定运行 1.2 如何进行监控,比如我们需要监控磁盘的使用率 1.如何查看磁盘使用率 df -h2.监控磁盘的那些指标 block. inode3.如何获取具体的信息 df -h|awk ‘//(NF-1)’4.获取的数值到达多少报警 80% 1.3 流行的监控工具 1.Zabbix2.Lepus(天兔)数据库监控系统3.Open-Falcon 小米开源监控…
第一篇 集群概述 keepalived + haproxy +Rabbitmq集群+MariaDB Galera高可用集群   部署openstack时使用单个控制节点是非常危险的,这样就意味着单个节点所在的服务器一旦拓机了,整个openstack就废掉了   所有我们基本上需要部署2个以上的控制节点,这里我们的方案是在前端使用keepalive + haproxy,这样openstack计算节点访问数据库和控制节点都是通过VIP反向代理到后端的. 数据库我们使用了MariaDB Galera高…
数据库还原的操作,分两步进行:第一步,验证(verify)备份文件:第二步,根据备份策略还原数据库: 参考<backup1:开始数据库备份>,备份策略是: 一周一次完整备份,一天一次差异备份,一小时一次事务日志备份 数据/日志的每次备份都使用一个单独的备份文件,数据备份的扩展名是 .bak,日志备份的扩展名是.trn 一,验证(Verifiy)备份文件 1,查看备份文件的文件列表(Data File 和 Log File) 由于,数据或日志的每次备份,都使用一个单独的备份文件,因此,在备份文件…
在codeproject看到一篇文章,群里的一个朋友要帮忙我翻译一下顺便贴出来,这篇文章适合新手,也算是对MEF的一个简单用法的介绍. Introduction In a simple statement if I want to define an ASP.NET MVC controller then I can say that classes that are responsible for receiving and processing incoming http requests,…
1 Run command “New-SPConfigurationDatabase" Feature Description: error message popup after run function “New-SPConfigurationDatabase". 1.1 Category Code error 1.2 Exception and Phenomena pipeline issue:The pipeline has been stopped New-SPConfigu…
Thanks Rob 88 Via: 1. Make a duplicate copy of your data to work with and keep your original corrupted identity safe in case this method of recovery doesn't work for you. 2. Use the instructions…