urllib3 ConnectionPools】的更多相关文章

A connection pool is a container for a collection of connections to a specific host.If you need to make requests to the same host repeatedly, then you should use a HTTPConnectionPool. from urllib3 import HTTPConnectionPool pool = HTTPConnectionPool('…
A pool manager is an abstraction for a collection of ConnectionPools.If you need to make requests to multiple hosts, then you can use a PoolManager, which takes care of maintainingyour pools so you don’t have to. from urllib3 import PoolManager manag…
permike原文python中urllib, urllib2,urllib3, httplib,httplib2, request的区别 若只使用python3.X, 下面可以不看了, 记住有个urllib的库就行了 python2.X 有这些库名可用: urllib, urllib2, urllib3, httplib, httplib2, requests python3.X 有这些库名可用: urllib, urllib3, httplib2, requests 两者都有的urllib3…
ProxyManager is an HTTP proxy-aware subclass of PoolManager. It produces a singleHTTPConnectionPool instance for all HTTP connections and individual per-server:portHTTPSConnectionPool instances for tunnelled HTTPS connections. headers = urllib3.make_…
import urllib3 import certifi http = urllib3.PoolManager( cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', # Force certificate check. ca_certs=certifi.where(), # Path to the Certifi bundle. ) try: res = http.request('GET', 'https://github.com') print(res.status) print(res…
urllib包 urllib是一个包含几个模块来处理请求的库.分别是: urllib.request 发送http请求 urllib.error 处理请求过程中,出现的异常. urllib.parse 解析url urllib.robotparser 解析robots.txt 文件 urllib.request urllib当中使用最多的模块,涉及请求,响应,浏览器模拟,代理,cookie等功能. 1. 快速请求 urlopen返回对象提供一些基本方法: read 返回文本数据 info 服务器…
在运行uiautomator时,出现报错"urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError:<'Connection aborted.',error<10054,''>>"根据错误提示,可以看出是"socket断开了,连接中断",因此需要将sleep等待时间延长,即可解决问题 代码如下:…
报错情况: 禁用该警告: import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings()…
[root@iZwz9bhan5nqzh979qokrkZ ~]# ansible all -m ping /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/__init__.py:80: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.22) or chardet (2.2.1) doesn't match a supported version! RequestsDependencyWarning) 原因:python库中urll…
python3中把urllib和urllib合并为一个库了,urllib对应urllib.request 1.) python 中最早内置拥有的网络请求模块就是 urllib,我们可以看一下 urllib 中的所有方法: 2.) urllib2模块中的所有方法更侧重于对于 Http 请求的服务: 3.) urllib3模块并非 python 内置,需要额外的安装,可以通过pip install urllib3来快速的下载和安装: 综合上面查看到的三者的所有功能,我们不难发现,urllib 侧重于…