今天编译一个project,我设置为api 14,可是编译报错: Using 1.7 requires compiling with Android 4.4 (KitKat); currently using API 4 參考 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22552199/unable-to-build-android-project-using-facebook-sdk-against-android-2-2-froyoUsing 1.7 requir…
有时候我们可能需要将项目的版本降低,比如4.4降低到2.2这样的,可能会遇到类似于这样的错误 Using 1.7 requires compiling with Android 4.4 (KitKat); currently using API 4 总之就是jdk的问题了,解决方案是:Righ click on your project > properties > Java compiler > enable "project specific settings"…
Refer :http://www.cnblogs.com/mengfanrong/p/3745475.html Righ click on your project > properties > Java compiler > enable "project specific settings" Set Compiler compliance level to 1.6 re Build your project…
解决的方案是将jdk1.7制定的版本定制为jdk.6.即 在eclipse中,右键项目->Properties->Java Compiler->enable "project specific settings->Set Compiler compliance level to 1.6 re Build your project,选择1.6版本,即可.…
今天编译一个project,我设置为api 14,可是编译报错: Using 1.7 requires compiling with Android 4.4 (KitKat); currently using API 4 參考 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22552199/unable-to-build-android-project-using-facebook-sdk-against-android-2-2-froyo Using 1.7 requi…
Having V8 as the JavaScript engine for the new web view, the JavaScript performance if much better, besides general performance on CSS thanks to hardware acceleration Android 4.4 KitKat, the browser and the Chrome WebView…