这个是用bootstrap框架时我遇到的问题,个人解决过程如下: ① 这个资源不是我手动引用的,是bootstrap.min.css文件间接调用的. ② 默认的路径是css文件路径是project/css,引用的路径是project/fonts/*.ttf. ③ 添加fonts文件夹和文件,依然提示该错误,但是直接访问*.css文件就没问题. ④ 想起静态资源的调用是通过tomcat手动配置的. ⑤ 增加这些文件的匹配规则,在web.xml中增加如下配置: <servlet-mapping>…
Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons are not working 解答1 Note to readers: be sure to read @user2261073's comment and @Jeff's answer concerning a bug in the customizer. It's likely the cause of your problem. The font file isn't being loaded correctly. Check if the…