举例:Network Policies】的更多相关文章

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_Gateway_Protocol Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is a standardized exterior gateway protocol designed to exchange routing and reachability information among autonomous systems (AS) on the Internet.[1] The protocol i…
本文描述了如何在 Kubernetes 集群中通过创建 NetworkPolicy 的方式来声明网络策略,以管理 Pod 之间的网络通信流量. 前提条件 创建一个Deployment并配置Service 从另外一个pod访问Service 限制对nginx的访问 从不带标签的Pod访问nginx服务 从带有标签的Pod访问nginx服务 前提条件 您已经安装了 Kubernetes 集群,如果没有,请参考文档 安装Kubernetes单Master节点 您可以使用 kubectl 访问您的集群,…
Name of article:Improving Network Management with  Software Defined Networking Origin of the article:Kim H , Feamster N . Improving network management with software defined networking[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2013, 51(2):114-119. ABSTRACT: o…
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is a standardized exterior gateway protocol designed to exchange routing and reachability information among autonomous systems (AS) on the Internet.[1] The protocol is often classified as a path vector protocol but is so…
Deep Reinforcement Learning Papers A list of recent papers regarding deep reinforcement learning. The papers are organized based on manually-defined bookmarks. They are sorted by time to see the recent papers first. Any suggestions and pull requests…
1. http://rll.berkeley.edu/adversarial/   Adversarial Attacks on Neural Network Policies 就是对test时候的policy进行构造对抗样本,方法还是用的分类对抗样本的方法,对于DQN,把Q value做个softmax,一样地构造对抗样本.…
3. 什么是SDN?(WHAT IS SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING?) The term SDN was originally coined to represent the ideas and work around OpenFlow at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA [24]. As originally defined, SDN refers to a network architecture where the…
The Internet has led to the creation of a digital society, where (almost) everything is connected and is accessible from anywhere. However, despite their widespread adoption, traditional IP networks are complex and very hard to manage. It is both dif…
到这里下载最新安装包:https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/releases下载下来解压,然后用管理员打开服务器自带的PowerShell,运行下列命令:cd C:\OpenSSH-Win64\OpenSSH-Win64Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted.\install-sshd.ps1.\ssh-keygen.exe -A 假定host1是本地主机,host2是远程主机.由于种种原因,这两台主机之间无法连通.但是…
ospf ABR和ASBR的区别 官方建议中大型网络的规模参考   根据spf算法   而不是路由器的硬件性能强弱 a ABR最多关联3个区域 b 单区域内路由器最多50台 c 一台运行ospf的路由器 邻接关系的邻居最多60台   路由器的角色 ABR 不同的接口被宣告进不同的区域   其中至少一个接口在area0    所有接口都运行ospf协议 ASBR 不同的接口被宣告进不同的区域  系统边界路由器    除了运行ospf外还会运行其他的某种路由协议  将其他协议 的路由通过重分发的形式…