window 7+ruby2.33+rails5.0. 在测试的时候 rails test 报固件fixture错误: 没有某列字段存在 虽然可以直接通过开发框架去修改字段,但是开发过程中应该通过迁移文件来实现所有的修改 我错误的原因是,我在通过migration生成users表的时候把其中一个字段写错成actiavated_at(多了一个a),所以在测试固件找不到activated_at 1,第一步,rails db:rollback 撤销生成错误字段的migration文件 或者 rails…
alter table modify column `species` varchar(20) binary;…
Question:How to reference two table when lack reference column. Example: 1.Create two tables the one of  lack reference column. CREATE TABLE t1( t_id NUMBER, t_age NUMBER );INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,24);COMMIT; CREATE TABLE t2( t_name VARCHAR2(20) ); I…
直接上代码吧,原理可以看我上一篇博文.本实现基于jquery,完美实现拖动改变表格的列大小功能,只需将代码放置在你页面的底部即可(jquery必须先引入). $(function () { var isMouseDown = false; var currentTh = null; $('table th').bind({ mousedown:function (e) { var $th = $(this); var left = $th.offset().left; //元素距左 var ri…
环境:window 7+ruby2.33+rails5.0.. 该提示的意思是固件格式错误: 但是又没有提示是哪一行 非常蛋疼,我照成的原因居然是没有对齐,请看:(下面的activated_at没有和前面对齐) user_<%= n %>: name: <%= "User #{n}" %> email: <%= "user-#{n}" %> password_digest: <%= User.dige…
转自: 1. ContentProvider的概述 ContentProvider: (Official Definition)Content providers manage access to a structured set of data. They encapsulate the data, and provide mechanisms for defining data security. Con…
对比两条SQL语句 1.insert into MemberInfo(MTypeId,MName,MPhone,MMoney,MIsDelete) values(@tid,@name,@phone,@money,0) 2.insert into memberinfo(mtypeid,mname,mphone,mmoney,misDelete) values(@tid,@name,@phone,@money,0) 看似相同,实则不同,运行第一条会出现以下错误 “System.Data.SQLite…
1. dual is a table that contains a single row. 2. The dual table has one VARCHAR2 column named dummy. 3. dual contains a single row with the value X. desc dual; Name Null? Type )…
I would not suggest Richies answer, because you are screwing up the data inside the database. You would not fix your problem but try to "hide" it and not being able to perform essential database operations with the crapped data. If you encounter…
FROM <<Oracle.Database.11g.SQL>> dual is a table that contains a single row. The following output from the DESCRIBE command shows the structure of the dual table, along with a query that retrieves the row from the dual table: DESCRIBE dual Nam…