13) Sundapeng.123 12) 有个问题问下,这里的私钥和公钥是随意生成的吗? 当前的配置启动的时候报错了 11) ssh root@ Liansen2018 10) 什么是lumen? Lumen是Stellar网络的内置资产. 内置意味着lumen是内置于网络內的. 资产是网络引用存储在总账上的is how the network refers to an item of value that is stored on the ledger. 一个lu…
8 TIPS TO BECOME A MICROSOFT TECHNICAL EVANGELIST By Thomas Lewis February, 28 2012 I have had a paid gig at Microsoft as a technical evangelist for over 12 years. I find that many evangelists come into the role not because they read the job descript…
How fast is Redis? Redis includes the redis-benchmark utility that simulates running commands done by N clients at the same time sending M total queries (it is similar to the Apache's ab utility). Below you'll find the full output of a benchmark exec…