"warning: function declaration isn't a prototype" was caused by the function like that: return_type XXX() { ....... } Please just modify the input paramter to void.return_type XXX(void) { ....... } Or turn off the warning with -Wno-strict-pr…
声明:本文讨论的Erlang Maps是基于17.0-rc2,时间2014-3-4.后续Maps可能会出现语法或函数API上的有所调整,特此说明. 前情提要: [Erlang 0116] 当我们谈论Erlang Maps时,我们谈论什么 Part 1 继续昨天的话题,在Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2013有一个议题:"Where are we on the Map?" [PDF ],这个Talk基本上就是选取了EEP43的要点,有兴趣的同学可以FQ观看视频 W…
Operator and Item 1. ..< a for-in loop and the half-open range operator (..<) // Check each pair of items to see if they are equivalent. ..<someContainer.count { if someContainer[i] != anotherContainer[i] { return false } } 2. Generic Where Claus…
LAST UPDATE: 1 Dec 15, 2016 APPLIES TO: 1 2 3 4 Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version and later Oracle Database - Personal Edition - Version and later I…
声明:本文讨论的Erlang Maps是基于17.0-rc2,时间2014-3-4.兴许Maps可能会出现语法或函数API上的有所调整,特此说明. 前情提要: [Erlang 0116] 当我们谈论Erlang Maps时,我们谈论什么 Part 1 继续昨天的话题,在Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2013有一个议题:"Where are we on the Map?" [PDF ],这个Talk基本上就是选取了EEP43的要点,有兴趣的同学能够FQ观看视频 W…