
Part I:equals() (javadoc) must define an equivalence relation (it must be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive). In addition, it must be consistent (if the objects are not modified, then it must keep returning the same value). Furthermore, o.equals(n…
heyheyhey ~~ It has been a long time since i come here again...whatever today i will summerize some methods of sort with java what are so important for coder. The codes below are all compiled successfully and have the right results 一. insert sort --…
作者:X Wang 出处: 转载文章,转载请注明作者和出处 The following are top 10 methods for Java Array. They are the most voted questions from stackoverflow. 0. Declare an array String[] aArray = new String[5…
1.问题:    在dealloc方法中使用[ release]和[xxx release]的区别? 用Xcode的Analyze分析我的Project,会列出一堆如下的提示:Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller 仔细看了下代码,都是在dealloc方法中使用了[ release]这样的语句引起的,把…
In C#, extension methods enable you to add methods to existing class without creating a new derived class. Extension methods 要求: Define a static class to contain extension method. This class must be visible to client code. Implement the extension met…
   Kinds of methods        Constructors      Type constructors      Overload operators      Type conversions (for implicit and explicit casting)      Extension methods      Partial methods.              1. Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference… Before CRM 2013, if you wanted to alert a user on a form within the browser, the only method available was the standard JavaScript alert. This method would…
AX7: HOW TO USE CLASS EXTENSION METHODS   To create new methods on a standard AX class without customize, follow the steps below: Create a new “public static class” following the name pattern “YourClassName” + “_Extension”. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 public s…
Consider a type that will print out a message when it’s finalized, and that has a Dispose method which will suppress finalization: class DisplayOnFinalize : IDisposable {     public void Dispose() { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); }     ~DisplayOnFinalize…
1. 蒙特卡罗方法的基本思想 蒙特卡罗方法又叫统计模拟方法,它使用随机数(或伪随机数)来解决计算的问题,是一类重要的数值计算方法.该方法的名字来源于世界著名的赌城蒙特卡罗,而蒙特卡罗方法正是以概率为基础的方法. 一个简单的例子可以解释蒙特卡罗方法,假设我们需要计算一个不规则图形的面积,那么图形的不规则程度和分析性计算(比如积分)的复杂程度是成正比的.而采用蒙特卡罗方法是怎么计算的呢?首先你把图形放到一个已知面积的方框内,然后假想你有一些豆子,把豆子均匀地朝这个方框内撒,散好后数这个图形之中有多少…