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三四年前我配置vim插件的时候还都是手动配置,还没有听说vundle这个vim插件管理工具,现在配置vim插件的时候基本上都用vundle,这个插件也确实是方便快捷,只不过这东西时能话了就不清楚里面的一些基本原理了,就好像学c语言要学会用命令行一样,用IDE的话会理解不深刻 1.需要需要确认vim支持python 2.sudo dnf install vim git python python-devel gcc gcc-c++ cmake clang 3.git clone https://g…
本文首发于个人博客,欢迎阅读! Install and Configure Caffe on ubuntu 16.04 Series Part 1: Install and Configure Caffe on windows 10 Part 2: Install and Configure Caffe on ubuntu 16.04 Guide requirements: NVIDIA driver 396.54 CUDA 8…
这篇文章主要briefly introduce the Install and configure SharePoint 2013 Workflow. Microsoft 推出了新的Workflow engine 针对于SharePoint 2013 Server--Workflow Manager,这个Service是基于Windows Workflow Foundation的,但是OOTB(out-of-the-box)安装却被隐藏了,当sharepoint 2013 Server安装的时候…
今天在Windows Server 2008 下安装SQL SERVER 2008时,碰到如下错误: You must use the Role Management Tool to install or configure Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. 既然碰到了顺便还是记录一下,虽然感觉没啥技术含量也没有难度,有时候有必要养成一个好习惯.记录你碰到的问题.解决问题的方案,你思考的点点滴滴! 打开 Server Manager,在“Features”下勾选…
Welcome to Your Documentation   Use the PDFs below or the HTML contents to the left to install and configure P6 EPPM and its additional components. Planning Your P6 EPPM Implementation Installing and Configuring P6 EPPM Upgrading and Configuring P6 E…
1.CentOS - Installing Nginx from source Versions At the time of writing, the latest stable version of Nginx is 0.6.34. You can check the latest versions and change logs at the… by hitjethvaon Oct 03, 2016   Intermediate Table of Contents Introduction Features Requirements Getting Started Installing Java Install ZooKeeper Install a…
Install and Configure OSSEC on Debian 7&8 Contributed by Sunday Ogwu-Chinuwa Updated Friday, February 5th, 2015 by James Stewart This is a Linode Community guide. Write for us and earn $250 per published guide. OSSEC is an open-source, host-based int… Step 4: Install and Configure Databases Cloudera Manager uses various databases and datastores to store information about the Clouder…
本文首发于个人博客,欢迎阅读! Install and Configure Caffe on windows 10 Part 1: Install and Configure Caffe on windows 10 Part 2: Install and Configure Caffe on ubuntu 16.04 Guide requirements: windows: 10 caffe: caffe-windows nvi…