[Python] 'unicode' object is not callable】的更多相关文章

在Python中,出现'unicode' object is not callable的错误一般是把字符串当做函数使用了.…
在Python中,出现'unicode' object is not callable的错误一般是把字符串当做函数使用了.…
这里提到的这个报错,是小错误且容易经常会犯,有时需要特别注意使用. 目的要求结果:根据某个元素的id值获取到对应id的text值,并且将获取的text值与本身存在的text值做比较,查看text值是否相等,这在自动化测试过程中经常会存在的做法,主要用作测试之后的检查,查看是否自动化执行到某一个步骤成功,因此通过id获取到text的前提条件是"此id对应的text必须存在值",如下截图所示,只有id与text同时存在,才可以获取到text值,否则失败.…
今天尝试使用pprint进行输出,语句为 >>>import pprint >>>pprint(people) 结果报错,TypeError: 'module' object is not callable { bob = [['name','bob smith'],['age',42],['pay',30000],['job','software']]sue = [['name','sue jones'],['age',42],['pay',40000],['job'…
>>> x=1.235 >>> int(x) 1 >>> str="fsgavfdbafdbntsbgbt" >>> len(str) 19 >>> >>> x=987456123 >>> str(x) 会报错'str' object is not callable. str()是系统自带的,你不能在用它的时候自己同时定义一个别的叫做str的变量,这样会冲突.…
问题:  TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable 原因:  dict()是python的一个内建函数,如果将dict自定义为一个python字典,在之后想调用dict()函数是会报出“TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable”的错误, 解决办法:  >>>del (dict)…
How to convert a QString to unicode object in python 2? I had this problem to solve, and I tried to find the safest way. This program illustrates the solution from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui import sys app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) ed = QtGui.QL…
python import 错误 TypeError: 'module' object is not callable 在这里,有 Person.py test.py; 在 test.py 里面 import Person 总是调用方法出错 Person.py class Person: def __init__(self,name): self.name = name print('this name is ',name) def hello(self): print('hello pytho…
文件: 代码: import pprintmessge = 'It was a bringht cold day in April,and the clocks were striking thrirteen'count = {}for char in messge: count.setdefault(char,0) count[char] = count[char]+1pprint.pprint(count) 报错: Traceback (most recent call last): Fil…
flask 基于Werkzeug .. @moudule.route('/upload', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def upload_file(): global _flask_app if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) f…