Lecture note 5: word2vec + manage experiments Word2vec Most of you are probably already familiar with word embedding and understand the importance of a model like word2vec. For those who aren't, Stanford CS 224N's lecture on word vectors is a great r…
内容来源:Keras 之父讲解 Keras:几行代码就能在分布式环境训练模型 把 Keras API 直接整合入 TensorFlow 项目中,这样能与你的已有工作流无缝结合.至此,Keras 成为了 TensorFlow 内部的一个新模块:tf.keras,它包含完整的 Keras API.用 Keras API 定义模型,用 TensorFlow estimator 和 experiments 在分布式环境训练模型. 我们有一组 10 秒短视频组成的数据集,视频内容是人从事各种活动.一个深度…
转自:https://github.com/andrewt3000/DL4NLP Deep Learning for NLP resources State of the art resources for NLP sequence modeling tasks such as machine translation, image captioning, and dialog. My notes on neural networks, rnn, lstm Deep Learning for NL…
opts = Options() with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as session: model = Word2Vec(opts, session) if FLAGS.interactive: #print('load model from file %s %s', opts.save_path, os.path.join(opts.save_path, "/model.ckpt")) #model.saver.restore(…