For a file which contians lots of lines of code, we can use 'comments region' to collapse the code. import "./styles.css"; // #region setup document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = ` <h1>Hello Vanilla!</h1> <div> We…
1.Zint生成二维码 [1]从上述站点下载Zint工具 [2]安装Zint工具 [3]使用Zint工具生成二维码,注意选择类型,并输入要生成的文本,此处我输入的是Hello World,Everyone! [4]保存Q-R二维码图像 这样我们的Q-R二维码图像就保存成功了[保存为hello.png]. 2.使用Zxing进行解码 Zxing是大名鼎鼎的条码处理开源项目,提供了多个平台上各种标准条形码的生成与解码工具.…
Research Code A rational methodology for lossy compression - REWIC is a software-based implementation of a a rational system for progressive transmission which, in absence of a priori knowledge about regions of interest, choose at any truncation time…
1 PowerDesigner中批量根据对象的name生成comment的脚本 执行方法:Open PDM -- Tools -- Execute Commands -- Run Script Option Explicit ValidationMode = True InteractiveMode = im_Batch Dim mdl 'the current model 'get the current active model Set mdl = ActiveModel If (mdl I…
转: 一.特征提取Feature Extraction:   SIFT [1] [Demo program][SIFT Library] [VLFeat]   PCA-SIFT [2] [Project]   Affine-SIFT [3] [Project]   SURF [4] [OpenSURF] [Matlab Wrapper]   Affine Covariant Features [5] [Oxfo…
目录索引 [无私分享:ASP.NET CORE 项目实战]目录索引 简介 本章我们来介绍下 Core 使用 CodeFirst 创建数据库和表,通过 控制台 和 dotnet ef 两种方式 修改EF上下文对象,添加测试类 我修改了一下名字,Domains 改为了 wkmvc.Data 我们新建一个文件夹 Models 用于存放 模型类 我们在Models下面再新建一个文件夹SysModelsMange 用于区域模型类 我们新建一个测试类SYS_USER namespace wkm…
上GitHub: Getting started Install VS Code (0.10.10+ is preferred). Install the extension in VS Code: Type F1, then ext install + Enter, wait a moment while the list of available extensions is populated T…
在安装Visual Studio Code插件的时候,由于谷歌的限制,在下载下列插件的时候会报错: go get -u -v go get -u -v go get -u -v go get -u -v go get -u -v…
原文链接: Introduction As I was browsing the web and catching up on some sites I visit periodically, I found a cool article from Tom Haydenabout using Amazon Elastic Ma…
In this post, App Dev Manager Ed Tovsen spotlight the features and benefits of Code Maps in Visual Studio. Systems architects have long used modeling to design the structure, behavior, and interaction of systems within an organization. Modeling helps…
catalogue . 隐写术 . Substitution cipher . Transposition cipher . Bacon's cipher . LSB-Steganography 1. 隐写术 0x1: 文件Binary拼接隐藏(增加数据) . 制作一个,把想要隐藏的东西放进去 . 再需要一张jpg图片2.jpg . 执行一个命令 copy /b output.jpg . 得到一张隐写图片,这是利用了copy命令,将两个文件已二进制方式连接起来,生成…
vs 和 vs code 都是可以支持 js 使用 #region 折叠代码的:code 我就不说了 同理vs 的: 首先下载 vs 插件,插件路径: 支持 vs2015 的 效果如下:…
整理下目录,看了这个文件,幸好未删除. 以下是<write solid code>中的原文摘录. 1.How could I have prevented this bug? 2.How could I have automatically detected this bug? 3.If a programmer believes that a bug can simply "go away", or that fixing bugs "later" w…
问题 Web Essentials 是非常给力的js插件,具体的介绍,大家请看这里,最锋利的Visual Studio Web开发工具扩展:Web Essentials详解 . 不过在使用的过程中,让js折叠,需要自己手动输入//#region //#endregion . 感觉不太方便,能不能像C#一样,直接选中一段代码,然后用region包裹起来,或者输入region,按个Tab,就自动出来了. 解决方案 解决问题的方向很重要,在C#里,region是作为代码段存在的.想必,我们编写一个适用…
Cypress provides a straightforward API that allows you to define custom commands. In this lesson, we’ll take a series of Cypress commands and wrap them up in a single custom command so we can easily repeat these steps in multiple specs. We have this…
BACKGROUND Malicious code, known as malware, which includes viruses, worms, adware, etc., may attack core components of the operating system to compromise key applications, including critical applications that operate in the operating system kernel,…
原文网址: 在罗老师的<算法竞赛 入门到进阶>总看到了这篇文章,觉得很有意思,所以搬运到我自己的博客里,大家可以看一下. 正文: What every beginner absolutely needs to know about the journey ahead Quincy Larson was just a "guy in a suit in…
cdm中同时显示name和code tools->或右键Displace preferences->Entity->Advanced->Attributes->右侧List Columns框右侧的放大镜->选择要显示的属性如code/name/domain/datatype等打上勾,将它们移到最上方->OK. 取消name和code的联动 选择[tools]-->[General options]-->[Dialog]-->[Name to Co… I have started code reading groups at the last two companies I’ve worked at, Etsy and Twitter, and some folks have asked for my advice about code reading and running code reading groups. Tl;dr: don’t start a c…
[spark@sparksinglenode ~]$ yum grouplist | moreLoaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, securitySetting up Group ProcessDetermining fastest mirrors * base: * extras: * updates: mirro…
Contents Introduction Background Hello Closure World Dependency Management Making an AJAX call with Google Closure Closure Templates Using plovr to Simplify Closure Development More Closure Templates Animations in Google Closure Using plovr for Produ…
We are excited that Ext JS 5 is now available! Ext JS 5 introduces many new and exciting improvements to the Sencha Framework. These changes bring about new functionality, usability and style. While adding all of the new features you’re about to see,…
二.博客系统后台布局实现 2.1.这里所用的是MVC的布局页来实现的,后台主要分为三部分:导航.菜单.主要内容 代码实现: 这里把后台单独放在一个区域里面,所以我这里建立一个admin的区域 在布局页_Layout.cshtml引入公共的一些css文件以及js文件(ZUI: 布局页代码_Layout.cshtml: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head&g…
1. Introduction 1.1. About 1.2. Sphinx features 1.3. Where to get Sphinx 1.4. License 1.5. Credits 1.6. History 2. Installation 2.1. Supported systems 2.2. Compiling Sphinx from source 2.2.1. Required tools 2.2.2. Compiling on Linux 2.2.3. Known comp…
原文 关于WPF你应该知道的2000件事 以下列出了迄今为止为WPF博客所知的2,000件事所创建的所有帖子. 帖子总数= 1,201 动画 #7 - 基于属性的动画 #686 - 使用动画制作图像脉冲 #777 - 动画变换 #778 - 动画缩放变换 #779 - 动画旋转变换 #1,164 - 使用动画弹回控件 基本 #1 - 什么是WPF? #2 - 渲染层 #5 - 矢量图形和分辨率独立 #6 - WPF布局 #9 - 样式 #10 - 控制模板 #11 - 命令 #12 - 标记和代…
Bash Reference Manual a.summary-letter { text-decoration: none } blockquote.indentedblock { margin-right: 0 } blockquote.smallindentedblock { margin-right: 0; font-size: smaller } blockquote.smallquotation { font-size: smaller } div.display { margin-…
Awesome系列的Java资源整理.awesome-java 就是akullpp发起维护的Java资源列表,内容包括:构建工具.数据库.框架.模板.安全.代码分析.日志.第三方库.书籍.Java 站点等等. 经典的工具与库 (Ancients) In existence since the beginning of time and which will continue being used long after the hype has waned. Apache Ant - Build…
技术渣,大家将就着看 首先我们需要一个xml数据保存到数据库,这里我从QQ下面找到一个loclist.xml文件 <CountryRegion Name="中国" Code="1"> <State Name="北京" Code="11"> <City Name="东城" Code="1" /> <City Name="西城"…
参考文章,原文地址: 问题1:sqlserver数据库直接转oracle.字段类型由sql server的类型转换到oracle类型 问题2:sql server的字段有大小写的问题.需要全部转为大写的形式 ---------------------------------------------------- Powerdesigner内将数据库的配型转换为Oracle类型 这样字段的类…
powerdesiner的自增长列,以前都是生成sql语句后,再在自增长列中添加Identity(1,1).找了好久,终于打到了方法. 1.如果dbms是MsSql,则选定表后,database-> edit current dbms-> 出现DBMS properties对话框,选择General页,左侧的树选择SQL 2000-> Profile-> Column-> Extended Attributes 下面的ExtIdentityIncrement是步进值,ExtI…