[题解]Luogu P3110 [USACO14DEC]驮运Piggy Back 题目描述 Bessie and her sister Elsie graze in different fields during the day, and in the evening they both want to walk back to the barn to rest. Being clever bovines, they come up with a plan to minimize the tot…
题目描述 Bessie and her sister Elsie graze in different fields during the day, and in the evening they both want to walk back to the barn to rest. Being clever bovines, they come up with a plan to minimize the total amount of energy they both spend while…
这是一道非常好的题目,融合了很多知识点. ZOJ1232-Adventrue of Super Mario 这一题折磨我挺长时间的,不过最后做出来非常开心啊,哇咔咔咔 题意就不累述了,注释有写,难点在于状态转移方程的确立和SPFA的过程 //最短路:Floyd+SPFA(BFS)+DP //Time:20Ms Memory:336K //题目很好,数据较弱,网上部分代码有些问题却能够A掉 //题意:超级马里奥要从A+B处背着公主以最短路程到达1处,其中1-A是村庄,剩下的是城堡 // 有可使用K…