Instant Messaging for Business: Your 10 Best Options By Iaroslav Kudritskiy It's probably not a surprise to you, but you or our employees are probably already using instant messaging for business. Formally or informally their likely having conversati…
转自:,16469.msg28364.html ubuntu server 下 odoo激活及时通讯功能im OpenERP IM Odoo IM activated "Instant Messaging is not activated on this server." 参考:…
This module is based on the real time implementation. It inherit Of the modules web_longpolling and web_socketio on bitbucket. How Install the module web_im Make your Nginx/Apache conf example conf for nginx: worker_processes 1; events { wo…
With an executive staffing venture about to open, a business loan from the in-laws gnawing at her conscience and a new baby to care for, Michelle Fish was already feeling the pressure. But what really pushed her over the edge was an unexpected commun…
依赖注入使我们可以将依赖的功能定义成服务,最终以一种松耦合的形式注入消费该功能的组件或者服务中.除了可以采用依赖注入的形式消费承载某种功能的服务,还可以采用相同的方式消费承载配置数据的Options对象,这篇文章演示几种典型的编程模式.(本篇提供的实例已经汇总到<ASP.NET Core 6框架揭秘-实例演示版>) [601]将配置绑定为Options对象(源代码) [602]具名Options的注册和提取(源代码) [603]Options与配置源的实时同步(匿名Options)(源代码)……
What is Dark Social & Dark Traffic? By Iaroslav Kudritskiy Google Analytics is supposed to speak the truth about website traffic. However, looking into you're traffic channels, you'll find 20% or 30% of traffic is coming in direct. The user used a UR…
Ultimate Guide to WeChat for Business 2019 By Iaroslav Kudritskiy (source : This is the guide for you if you're interested in the Chinese market. Companies all over are in…
Golang优秀开源项目汇总(持续更新...)我把这个汇总放在github上了, 后面更新也会在github上更新.  . 欢迎fork, star , watch, 提issue. 资料参考来源: 监控系统 序号 名称 项目地址 简介 1 OpenFalcon…
要查看 Windows 10 版本信息,使用[运行]> dxdiag  回车 下表包含 Windows 10 的初始版本(版本 1507)中包括的一些新的和更新的功能以及对版本 1511 的 Windows 10 更新. 注意: 有关每个版本的发布日期和服务选项,请参阅 Windows 10 版本信息. 部署 使用 Windows 映像和配置设计器 (ICD) 预配设备 在 Windows 10 中,你可以创建一个设置包,这可使你快速且高效地配置设备,而无需安装新映像. Windows 预配可使…