Conception(Relative vs Absolute) Abosolute Path: "/etc/hosts"(in Linux), "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts"(in Windows) Relative Path:"./hosts" or "hosts"(when in "etc" folder) This also valid in webs…
How to put a relative path for a DLL statically loaded? I have a DLL made in Delphi 7/Windows XP that I want to statically load in a host application on Windows (made in Delphi, too). I am using this line of code: procedure Prepare_HTML_Email(var Mai…
Detecting and exploiting path-relative stylesheet import (PRSSI) vulnerabilities Early last year Gareth Heyes unveiled a fascinating new technique for attacking web applications by exploiting path-relative stylesheet imports, and dubbed it ‘Relativ…
<property> <name>hive.exec.scratchdir</name> <value>/tmp/hive</value> <description>HDFS root scratch dir for Hive jobs which gets created with write all (733) permission. For each connecting user, an HDFS scratch dir: $…