High school student Vasya got a string of length n as a birthday present. This string consists of letters 'a' and 'b' only. Vasya denotesbeauty of the string as the maximum length of a substring (consecutive subsequence) consisting of equal letters.…
补番计划 Time Limit : 4000/2000ms (Java/Other) Memory Limit : 65535/32768K (Java/Other) Total Submission(s) : 8 Accepted Submission(s) : 1 Font: Times New Roman | Verdana | Georgia Font Size: ← → Problem Description 阿聪是一个日漫狂魔.暑假在家的时候,他有12小时在补番.12小时在睡…
Sliding Window Time Limit: 12000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 41844 Accepted: 12384 Case Time Limit: 5000MS Description An array of size n ≤ 106 is given to you. There is a sliding window of size k which is moving from the very left…
Design your implementation of the circular double-ended queue (deque). Your implementation should support following operations: MyCircularDeque(k): Constructor, set the size of the deque to be k. insertFront(): Adds an item at the front of Deque. Ret…