原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/swap-for-longest-repeated-character-substring/ 题目: Given a string text, we are allowed to swap two of the characters in the string. Find the length of the longest substring with repeated characters. Example 1: In…
题目如下: Given a string text, we are allowed to swap two of the characters in the string. Find the length of the longest substring with repeated characters. Example 1: Input: text = "ababa" Output: 3 Explanation: We can swap the first 'b' with the…
     在java中有三个类负责对字符的操作:Character.String.StringBuffer.其中,Character类是对单个字符进行操作,String是对一个字符序列的操作,StringBuffer是对一串字符进行操作.      1.  Character的声明      pubic final class Character extends Object implements Serializable,Comparable<Character>      2 . Char…
JSON.parse转化Json字符串时出现:SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad control character in string literal at line 1 column 16 of the JSON data 测试代码: JSON.parse("{\"Result\":\"bhbh\thuhuha\"}") 罪魁祸首:\t导致…
这篇文章总结了Java中最基础的类以及常用的方法,主要有:Number,Character,String. 1.Number类 在实际开发的过程中,常常会用到需要使用对象而不是内置的数据类型的情形.所以,java语言为每个内置数据类型都提供了对应的包装类.六种内置数据类型:byte, short, int, long, float, double分别对应Number抽象类的子类:Byte,Short,Integer,Long,Float,Double 装箱:把基本类型用它们相应的引用类型包装起来…
在eclipse中想运行project的时候,往往是右键项目名称---->run As --->Java Application 但是会弹出窗口显示select type (? = any character,*= any String,Tz=TimeZone),让我们选择 Eclipse想要我们选择一个带有main方法的类,然后运行,所以只要提供一个有main方法的类,然后选择该类,点击OK即可. 注意:main方法必须是static的 或者找到带main方法的类,直接在那个java文件上右…
You need to write a function, which will accept a String and return first non-repeated character, for example in the world "hello", except 'l' all are non-repeated, but 'h' is the first non-repeated character. Similarly, in word "swiss"…
All DNA is composed of a series of nucleotides abbreviated as A, C, G, and T, for example: "ACGAATTCCG". When studying DNA, it is sometimes useful to identify repeated sequences within the DNA. Write a function to find all the 10-letter-long seq…
1. Number类 Java语言为每一个内置数据类型提供了对应的包装类.所有的包装类(Integer.Long.Byte.Double.Float.Short)都是抽象类Number的子类.这种由编译器特别支持的包装称为装箱,所以当内置数据类型被当作对象使用的时候,编译器会把内置类型装箱为包装类.相似的,编译器也可以把一个对象拆箱为内置类型.Number类属于java.lang包. 装箱:把基本类型用它们相应的引用类型包装起来,使其具有对象的性质.int包装成Integer.float包装成F…
String are immutable in Java. You can't change them. You need to create a new string with the character replaced. String myName = "domanokz"; String newName = myName.substring(0,4)+'x'+myName.substring(5); or you can use a StringBuilder: StringB…