ABC133F Small Products】的更多相关文章

考虑 DP. 状态 令 $f[\ell][x]$ 表示长度为 $\ell$,首项不超过 $x$ 的序列的个数. 答案是 $f[K][N]$. 有递推 $f[\ell][x] = f[\ell][x - 1] + f[\ell - 1][\floor{N/x}]$.照这个递推式求解,复杂度度太高:把它改成 $f[\ell][x] = \sum_{y = 1}^{x} f[\ell - 1][\floor{N/y}]$ 也就是枚举首项. 我们的目标是求出 $f[K][N]$,结合递推式来看,可以发现…
Building third-party products of OpenCascade Available distributives of third-party products OpenCascade中用到了几个第三方库,其中tcl/tk和freetype是必须的,gl2ps, freeimage, tbb是可选的,可以通过配置custom.bat来进行选择.并不是第三方库需要重新编译. 当OpenCascade编译时报了缺少第三方库的头文件时,这是因为第三方…
故障描述 当要运行SharePonit Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard的时候,出现了如下图所示的错误提示. 错误信息为: Unable to upgrade SharePoint Products and Technologies because an upgrade is already in progress. Upgrade progress can be monitored using the Central Administ…
原文地址: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R19.1\ACAD-D001:409 What is ACAD-D001:409? R19.1 is the release number, the this corresponds t…
Step  1app\design\frontend\base\default\template\catalog\product\list.phtml<?php    $_productCollection=$this->getLoadedProductCollection();    $_helper = $this->helper('catalog/output');?><?php if(!$_productCollection->count()): ?>&l…
You may have heard that some FVDI Commander products are being replaced by the new SVDI tools. This is true for FVDI PSA. According to its manufacturer, it will stop producing FVDI PSA  and put more effort in the newly developed SVDI PSA for Peugeot…
Training Products of Experts by Minimizing Contrastive Divergence(以下简称 PoE)是 DBN 和深度学习理论的 肇始之篇,最近在爬梳和学习 RBM 的相关知识时,发 现训练 RBM 时使用的对比散度算法在各种中英文资料 中都不甚详解,有些只是一带而过,不明就里,为什么 使用对比散度算法能够近似原来的目标函数,为什么一 步迭代就能得到较好的收敛结果?诸如此类的问题,一 直困扰于心.所以最终还是把这篇开山之作翻了出来, 仔细阅读后,…
“products.:format" 这种写法可以有对应的下面两种路由形式 /products.json /products.xml "products.:format?" 这种写法可以有下面对应的三种路由形式 /products.json /products.xml /products "/user/:id.:format?" 这种写法可以有下面对应的两种形式 /user/12 /user/12.json… NEW VI AND VIM EDITOR KEYBOARD STICKER: Office Products NEW VI AND VIM EDITOR KEYBOARD STICKER…
Popular Products 描述 Given N lists of customer purchase, your task is to find the products that appear in all of the lists. A purchase list consists of several lines. Each line contains 3 parts: the product id (format XXXX-XXXX), the purchase date (fo…