Google 2019年10月23号发表在Nature(<自然><科学>及<细胞>杂志都是国际顶级期刊,貌似在上面发文两篇,就可以评院士了)上,关于量子计算(基于 Sycamore芯片)的最新进展的论文,受到国内外同行及媒体的广泛关注,包括中科大量子科学家 — 潘建伟及其团队.IBM表示不服,Google不管.下面让我们逐字逐句来看他们的论文吧,对于争论的事务,自己下功夫下来搞清楚. Quantum supremacy using a programmable supe…
Quantum & r2q Let's assume we have 2 classes with the same parent : Parent : ceil = rate = 100 class 1 : rate = 40 and ceil = 100 class 2 : rate = 20 and ceil = 100 (the used numbers are just theoretical to explain how it works) Both classes are send…
因为与磁带备份厂商Quantum商标冲突: The OpenStack Foundation has changed the name of its networking project from Quantum to Neutron due to a trademark conflict with a manufacturer of tape-based data backup systems. OpenStack reached a legal agreement with backup t…