JDOJ 2255: A+B Problem https://neooj.com/oldoj/problem.php?id=2255 Description Solve A+B problem without '+', '-', '*', '/'. Input Two integers A and B. Output The result for A+B. Sample Input 12 34 Sample Output 46 HINT Only use the C. A, B >= 0, …
洛谷 P3078 [USACO13MAR]扑克牌型Poker Hands 题目传送门 JDOJ 2359: USACO 2013 Mar Silver 1.Poker Hands JDOJ传送门 题目描述 Problem 1: Poker Hands [Albert Gu, 2011] Bessie and her friends are playing a unique version of poker involving a deck with N (1 <= N <= 100,000)…
Tree Recovery Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 11939 Accepted: 7493 Description Little Valentine liked playing with binary trees very much. Her favorite game was constructing randomly looking binary trees with capital le…
奔小康赚大钱 Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1836 Accepted Submission(s): 798 Problem Description 传说在遥远的地方有一个非常富裕的村落,有一天,村长决定进行制度改革:重新分配房子.这可是一件大事,关系到人民的住房问题啊.村里共有n间房间,刚好有n家老百姓,考虑到每…
Problem Description 传说在遥远的地方有一个非常富裕的村落,有一天,村长决定进行制度改革:重新分配房子.这可是一件大事,关系到人民的住房问题啊.村里共有n间房间,刚好有n家老百姓,考虑到每家都要有房住(如果有老百姓没房子住的话,容易引起不安定因素),每家必须分配到一间房子且只能得到一间房子.另一方面,村长和另外的村领导希望得到最大的效益,这样村里的机构才会有钱.由于老百姓都比较富裕,他们都能对每一间房子在他们的经济范围内出一定的价格,比如有3间房子,一家老百姓可以对第一间出1…
奔小康赚大钱 Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 9828 Accepted Submission(s): 4328 Problem Description 传说在遥远的地方有一个非常富裕的村落,有一天,村长决定进行制度改革:重新分配房子.这可是一件大事,关系到人民的住房问题啊.村里共有n间房间,刚好有n家老百姓,考虑到…
奔小康赚大钱 Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2129 Accepted Submission(s): 923 Problem Description 传说在遥远的地方有一个非常富裕的村落,有一天,村长决定进行制度改革:重新分配房子.这可是一件大事,关系到人民的住房问题啊.村里共有n间房间,刚好有n家老百姓,考虑到每…
[HDOJ 2255]奔小康赚大钱(KM算法) 奔小康赚大钱 Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 6051 Accepted Submission(s): 2667 Problem Description 传说在遥远的地方有一个很富裕的村落,有一天,村长决定进行制度改革:又一次分配房子. 这但是一件大事,关系到人民的住…
Gson解析JSON字符串时出现了下面的错误: No-args constructor for class X does not exist. Register an InstanceCreator with Gson for this type to fix this problem. 解决的办法是把对应的Class改成静态类.…
I joined the NodeJS online Course three weeks ago, but now I'm late about 2 weeks. I pay the codeschool yearly subscribed, but I have lost the track long time. I get more weight than expected. I like more and more my MacBook Pro I maybe go to the UST…
Programming Contest Problem Types Hal Burch conducted an analysis over spring break of 1999 and made an amazing discovery: there are only 16 types of programming contest problems! Furthermore, the top several comprise almost 80% of the problems s…