IOC Security: Indicators of Attack vs. Indicators of Compromise December 9, 2014 Jessica DeCianno Endpoint Protection What is an Indicator of Compromise (IOC)? First we shou…
网络安全问题的背景 网络安全研究的内容包括很多方面,作者形象比喻为盲人摸象,不同领域的网络安全专家对网络安全的认识是不同的. For researchers in the field of cryptography, security is all about cryptographic algorithms and hash functions. Those who are in information security focus mainly on privacy, watermarkin…
Security Software Engineer Are you excited to be part of the VR revolution and work on cutting edge consumer devices and services? Are you passionate about security and have a proven security track record? The Security Software Engineer will work on…
以前如果要使iframe里面的脚本能访问parent的内容,但iframe和parent的二级域名相同,那一般都会在两者都写上document.domain="" 以放宽访问权限. 今天发现,如果iframe和parent在同一个三级域名下,比如都是,那设了document.domain反而会造成访问拒绝. 查了下MSDN,有如下解释: Remarks The property initially returns the host name of the…
libcloud 是一个访问云计算服务的统一接口,该项目已经成为 Apache 组织的顶级项目,采用 Python 开发. Apache基金会于5月25日宣布,Libcloud已完成孵化.成为顶级项目. One Interface To Rule Them All Python library for interacting with many of the popular cloud service providers using a unified API. 基本示例: from libcl…