postgre去重复记录,主要用到row定位的一个系统表示 “ctid”,能查出纯净的不重复的记录,那要删掉重复值也就容易了,自己去折腾吧. 我所涉及的是得到不重复的记录,就一句话: select ctid, * from table007 where ctid in (select min(ctid) from table007 group by att001,att002,att003);…
================= what a fuck postgre update sql ================= UPDATE temp_group_temp set group_id=c.group_id from temp_group_view_2000 c where temp_group_temp.user_id=cast(c.user_id as bigint); ================= what a fuck postgre update sql ==…
1. Open a command console and go to the directory where you installed Postgre server. e.g. D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin> 2. Drill down into BIN folder and issue following command. psql -d <database name> -U <username> 3. Issue CREAT…
前言:开发常用的关系型数据库MySQL,mssql,postgre,Oracle,简单的增删改查的SQL语句都与标准SQL兼容,这个不用讲,那么对于迭代查询(不严格的叫法:递归查询)每种数据库都不一样,对于标准SQL语句支持最好的是mssql和postgre,这个不需多讲,我们只讲讲单表情况下的postgre如何通过迭代查询获取有层级关系的数据. 一.表结构举例 MENU表 ID VARCHAR2(32) N sys_guid() 节点idFENXID VARCHAR2(32)…
1. Open a command console and go to the directory where you installed Postgre server. e.g. D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin> 2. Drill down into BIN folder and issue following command. psql -d <database name> -U <username> 3. Issue CREAT…
1.查询postgre的表所有字段列 select table_name, column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema='public' and table_name='t_user'; 2.将上面的列,group_concat拼接 select string_agg(column_name,',') from information_schema.columns where table_schema='publi…