In previous article of this Big-Data tutorials series we have seen, What is Apache Zookeeper, Why do we need it and How it works ?. In this particular article we will see how to do…
打算学习kafka ,接触一些新的知识.加油!!! 参考: 这篇文章也不错,翻译的: Introduction Apache Kafka is a popular distrib…
Download the Apache maven from this link, extract the download archive, can also use the command. cd ~/Downloads wget… by hitjethvaon Oct 03, 2016   Intermediate Table of Contents Introduction Features Requirements Getting Started Installing Java Install ZooKeeper Install a… Introduction Apache Tomcat is a web server and servlet container that is used to serve Java applications. Tomcat is an open source implementation of the J…
original article: --------------------------------------------------------- Apache ZooKeeper is a software project of the Apache Software Foundati…
原文: LAMP is a combination of operating system and open-source software stack. The acronym LAMP came from the first letters ofLinux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL or MariaDB database, and PH…
决战大数据之三-Apache ZooKeeper Standalone及复制模式安装及测试 [TOC] Apache ZooKeeper 单机模式安装 创建hadoop用户&赋予sudo权限,安全第一:) 默认情况行下 CentOS 的group wheel 用的用户拥有 sudo权限 # useradd hadoop # passwd hadoop Changing password for user hadoop. New password: bigdata123 Retype new pa…
安装了Ubuntu 12.04 64bit, 想在上面安装Oracle 11gr2,网上找了好多文档都没成功,最后完全参考了MordicusEtCubitus的文章. 成功安装的关键点:install additional packages, 在link过程中处理错误的方法. 原文: Before…
Note Those of you interested in the Apache 2.0.X tutorial, it has been abandon and I will no longer keep it updated, but it can be found here. Apache 2.2.X Download & Unpack Go to and choose a mirror.…