之前一直搞不很明白 AndroidManifest.xml 中 activity 标签下的 intent-filter 中 data 标签的属性含义,今天认真看了 Dev Guide,又在网上查询了大量相关资料,现把 data 标签中的属性含义做一个总结. 一.定义 scheme, host, port, path, pathPrefix, pathPattern 是用来匹配 Intent 中的 Data Uri 的.具体规则如下: scheme://host:port/path or pat…
报错信息: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Io 异常: Invalid connection string format, a valid format is: "host:port:sid" at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:112) at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSql…
时间 2016-01-23 13:01:14 CrocoDillon’s Blog 原文 http://crocodillon.com/blog/reading-query-string-values-in-javascript 主题 JavaScript Most server software can read values from the query string easily, but sometimes you need to read these values in the b…
Are query string keys case sensitive? @gbjbaanb's answer is incorrect: The RFCs only specify the allowed character set for the query string. Like the path and fragment components of the URI, the query URI component only has meaning only to the author…
ERRORorg.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Does not contain a valid host;port authority 这个问题找了很久的原因没找到,最后通过强大的google才找到一篇文章写着linux系统不能有下划线,果断更改主机名,格式化成功.…
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Does not contain a valid host:port authority: master:8031 (configuration property 'yarn.resourcemanager.resource-tracker.address') at org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils.createSocketAddr(NetUtils.java:196) at org.apache…
hadoop环境部署完,执行hdfs zkfc -formatZK命令时,提示如上图所示错误 错误内容: [root@study_1_1 hadoop]# hdfs zkfc -formatZK Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Does not contain a valid host:port authority: study_1_1:9000 at org.apache.hadoop.ne…
convert URL Query String to Object All In One URL / query string / paramas query string to object let str = "name=xgqfrms&sex=男&age=18&"; const params = new URLSearchParams(str); for (let p of params) { console.log(p); } ["name&…