Music Mess Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Francis really likes his music. He especially likes that song ’Zombie Nation’. Or was that the album? Or maybe the album was ’Kernkraft 4…
Ballot Analyzing Device 题目连接: Description Election committee of Flatland is preparing for presidential elections. To minimize human factor in ballot counting they decided to develop an automated Ballot Ana…
Problem A. Arrangement of Contest 题目连接: Description Little Dmitry and little Petr want to arrange a contest. Their little friends submitted several task proposals and now Dmitry and Petr want to select som…
H. Mysterious Photos Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Everyone probably heard the rumours about the constellation of Bermuda Triangle: any person who looks to this constellation of th…
Problem H. ICPC QuestTime Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Coach Fegla has invented a song effectiveness measurement methodology. This methodology in simple English means count the frequ…
F. Ilya Muromets Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description I Ilya Muromets is a legendary bogatyr. Right now he is struggling against Zmej Gorynych, a dragon with n heads numbered from 1 to nf…
好题,当时想了半个小时,我往图论方面去想了,把出现过的字符串当场点,然后相互连边,那么就构成了一个三角形,一个大于三个点的连通分量里有以下结论:度为二的点可能是track,度为大于二的点一定不是track,当一个点连接一个可能是track的点和一个可能是artist的点,那么这个点就可能是ablum.然后我就卡在这里了,怎么求连通分量,怎么判断一个点一定是artist.还有形成的树的深度不能超过三,等等问题. 其实这样想不对,借助之前做A Lot of Joy 的思想,改下一思路,判断连通改成统…
一句话题意:x0=1,xi+1=(Axi+xi%B)%C,如果x序列中存在最早的两个相同的元素,输出第二次出现的位置,若在2e7内无解则输出-1. 题解:都不到100天就AFO了才来学这floyd判圈算法. 介绍一下floyd判圈算法:该算法适用于在线性时间复杂度内判断有限自动机.迭代函数.链表中是否有环,求环的起点(即链长)和环长. 可以先这么做:首先从起点S出发,给定两个指针,一个快指针一个慢指针,然后每次快指针走1步,慢指针走2步,直到相遇为止.如果已经到达终点/达到规定步数时仍然没有相遇…
 2017 JUST Programming Contest 2.0 题目链接:Codeforces gym 101343 J.Husam and the Broken Present 2 J. Husam and the Broken Present 2 time limit per test:1.0 s memory limit per test:256 MB input:standard input output:standard output After you helped Husam…
Energy Conversion Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 4278    Accepted Submission(s): 1024 Problem Description 魔法师百小度也有遇到难题的时候—— 现在,百小度正在一个古老的石门面前,石门上有一段古老的魔法文字,读懂这种魔法文字需要耗费大量的能量和大量的…