Ice Skating】的更多相关文章

A. Ice Skating time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Bajtek is learning to skate on ice. He's a beginner, so his only mode of transportation is pushing off from a snow drift to t…
题目描述: Ice Skating time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Bajtek is learning to skate on ice. He's a beginner, so his only mode of transportation is pushing off from a snow drift t…
Bajtek is learning to skate on ice. He's a beginner, so his only mode of transportation is pushing off from a snow drift to the north, east, south or west and sliding until he lands in another snow drift. He has noticed that in this way it's impossib…
题目地址:24道CF的DIv2 CD题有兴趣可以做一下. ACM思维题训练集合 Bajtek is learning to skate on ice. He's a beginner, so his only mode of transportation is pushing off from a snow drift to the north, east, south or west and sliding until he lands in another snow drift. He ha…
英语新闻常用词汇与短语 经济篇 accumulated deficit 累计赤字 active trade balance 贸易顺差 adverse trade balance 贸易逆差 aid 援助 allocation of funds 资金分配 allotment 拨款 allowance/grant/subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴 amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付 annuity 年金 article 物品,商品 assigned 过户 autarchy 闭关自守 av…
A. Codeforces 92A Chips 签到题.. #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define N 10007 ]; int main() { int n,m,i; while(scanf("%d%d",&n,…
A. Mountain Scenery 枚举山顶位置,满足\(r_{i-1} \lt r_i - 1 \gt r_{i+1}\). 范围要开\(2N\). B. Airport 优先队列维护最值. C. Ice Skating 并查集维护连通点集. D. Blackboard Fibonacci 根据\[gcd(a,b)=gcd(a+b, b)\]这个性质,可以发现最后的两个值互质. 枚举\(x \in [1, r)\),满足\(gcd(x,r)==1\),同时\(O(\log N)\)逆推回\…
俄罗斯的MSU Graphics & Media Lab (Video Group)出品的H.264编码器性能测试报告.测试了主流的H.264编码器的性能.从测试的结果来看,开源产品x264性能已经超过了商用编码器的性能. 参与测试的编码器有如下几种: H.264 DivX H.264 Elecard H.264 Intel Ivy Bridge QuickSync (GPU encoder) MainConcept H.264 (software) MainConcept H.264 (CUD…
In this lesson you will learn to talk about sports. 课上内容(Lesson) # How many different sports can you name? swim, skiing,badminton # Pick a sport and describe to your tutor how it is played. Let me introduce basketball.  it is a ball sports. Five peop…
链接: 来源:牛客网 题目描述 平面上有若干个点,从每个点出发,你可以往东南西北任意方向走,直到碰到另一个点,然后才可以改变方向. 请问至少需要加多少个点,使得点对之间互相可以到达. 输入描述: 第一行一个整数n表示点数( 1 <= n <= 100). 第二行n行,每行两个整数xi, yi表示坐标( 1 <= xi, yi <= 1000). y轴正方向为北,x轴正方形为东. 输出描述: 输出一个整…