The Alert implementation. class selenium.webdriver.common.alert.Alert(driver) Bases: object Allows to work with alerts. Use this class to interact with alert prompts. It contains methods for dismissing, accepting, inputting, and getting text from ale…
(转载) 1.3 打开测试页面 对页面对测试,首先要打开被测试页面的地址(如:,web driver 提供的get方法可以打开一个页面: // And now use thedriver to visit Google driver.get(""); 1.4 例子 package org.openqa.selenium.example; import org.openqa.selenium.By;…
在火狐浏览器33版本,python2.7运行selenium webdriver api报错:SessionNotCreatedException: Message: Unable to find a matching set of capabilities 网上搜了一下,说可以升级浏览器版本到52以上,我升级到了55版本,没有报错了 解决办法:Update Firefox to version >= 52.0.3,更新Firefox版本52.0.3以上 可能也与geckodriver的版本有关…