February 14 2017 Week 7 Tuesday】的更多相关文章

Love lives in cottages as well as in courts. 爱情无贵贱,贫富皆有之. Many people, especially boys, complain that they can't find their lover because they are not rich enough. Yes, sometimes we can take such thoughts as true, because if you are rich enough, you…
To make each day count. 让每一天都物有所值. We always want to make our life meaningful, however, the acutal fact is that most of us only live a mediocre life. That sounds somewhat cruel to those ambitious young men. As they grow old, they will be accoustomed…
It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live. 人不能只生活在梦里,只依靠虚幻的东西而忘记了生活. Don't forget to live. Because only the real world can give you the foundation on which you build your dreams, or in other words, the real world offers you something that…
Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. 你乐于挥霍的时间,都不能算作是浪费. A few days ago, I learned a sentence from ShanBay, it goes like this: Be careful. If you are losing your leisure, you may be losing your soul. And today, this sentence from Youdao tells the s…
Thinking will not overcome fear but action will. 空想终日惶恐,行动方可无惧. As the deadline comes closer and closer, the fear in my heart seems to nearly swallow me up. I had promised to finish it on time, but I failed. I had told my parents that I would go back…
/Date(1487053489965+0800)/用Java怎么转换成yyyy-MM-dd的格式 Tue Feb 14 2017 14:06:32 GMT+0800用Java怎么转换成yyyy-MM-dd的格式 跟普通的日期不太一样 public static void main(String[] args) { String str="/Date(1487053489965+0800)/"; str=str.replace("/Date(","&quo…
Every light has darkness to balance it out. 有光明的地方,必定有黑暗予以平衡. I strive to get a balance between life and work. But it seems my efforts were just futile and I failed in both. I originally believed that although there were full of darkness in my life,…
Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同. If great minds really did think alike, then we would live in an unreal world which is just a Dstopia. Given that our world is so varied, so I think the great minds don't think alike, though there might be only one tru…
Receive without conceit, release without struggle. 接受时,不狂妄:放手时,不犹豫. How to understand this quote? Doesn't it mean that when we are given some gifts from others, we shouldn't take them for granted, we shouldn't ask for more, when we plan to let someth…
You are your greatest asset. 你就是你自己最大的资本. For most of us, there are few things that we can count on but ourselves. If we lose confidence in our own life, in our own abilities, we may never win trusts from others. That means the intrinsic motivation m…