##redis配置详解 # Redis configuration file example. # # Note that in order to read the configuration file, Redis must be # started with the file path as first argument: # # ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf # Note on units: when memory size is needed, i…
在CU上看到了一篇关于BIND9配置文件详解的文章,感觉不错,现转载了分享一下. //named.conf 注释说明 by shellyxz@163.com// 此文件对bind9的默认配置文件的说明//options 语句指定全局选项,对于某些特定区域服务器,某些选项以后可能会被覆盖.bind9的选项超过100个.....options{ // Those options should be used carefully because they disable port …
转自<RTMP协议详解(一) (二) (三) > Real Time Messaging Protocol(实时消息传送协议协议)是Adobe Systems公司为Flash播放器和服务器之间音频.视频和数据传输开发的私有协议. 具体使用RTMP的AS代码大概如下: var videoInstance:Video = your_video_instance; var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); var connected:Boolean =…