spring-boot autoConfiguration】的更多相关文章

原文地址:https://dzone.com/articles/how-springboot-autoconfiguration-magic-works In my previous post "Why Spring Boot?", we looked at how to create a Spring Boot application, but you may or may not understand what is going on behind the scenes. You…
原文:http://sivalabs.in/2016/03/how-springboot-autoconfiguration-magic/ 作者:Siva 译者:http://oopsguy.com 在我(原作者)以前的博文<为什么是 Spring Boot>中,我们已经了解到如何创建一个 Spring Boot 应用程序.但是,您可能不明白它幕后究竟发生了什么.您可能想了解 SpringBoot AutoConfiguration 背后的魔法.但在此之前,您应该先了解 Spring 的 @C…
1.注解@Conditional的定义 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD}) public @interface Conditional { /** * All {@link Condition}s that must {@linkplain Condition#matches match} * in order for the component to be reg…
Spring Boot auto-configuration attempts to automatically configure your Spring application based on the jar dependencies that you have added. For example, if HSQLDB is on your classpath, and you have not manually configured any database connection be…
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转自:https://dzone.com/articles/spring-boot-memory-performance It has sometimes been suggested that Spring and Spring Boot are “heavyweight”, perhaps just because they allow apps to punch above their weight, providing a lot of features for not very muc…
The Performance Zone is brought to you in partnership with New Relic. Quickly learn how to use Docker and containers in general to create packaged images for easy management, testing, and deployment of software. It has sometimes been suggested that S…
Spring Boot 是微服务中最好的 Java 框架. 我们建议你能够成为一名 Spring Boot 的专家. 问题一 Spring Boot.Spring MVC 和 Spring 有什么区别? SpringFrame SpringFramework 最重要的特征是依赖注入.所有 SpringModules 不是依赖注入就是 IOC 控制反转. 当我们恰当的使用 DI 或者是 IOC 的时候,我们可以开发松耦合应用.松耦合应用的单元测试可以很容易的进行. SpringMVC Spring…
1.什么是springboot 用来简化spring应用的初始搭建以及开发过程 使用特定的方式来进行配置(properties或yml文件) 创建独立的spring引用程序 main方法运行 嵌入的Tomcat 无需部署war文件 简化maven配置 自动配置spring添加对应功能starter自动化配置 答:spring boot来简化spring应用开发,约定大于配置,去繁从简,just run就能创建一个独立的,产品级别的应用 2.Spring Boot有哪些优点? 答:-快速创建独立运…
使用Spring Boot Starter提升效率 虽然不同的starter实现起来各有差异,但是他们基本上都会使用到两个相同的内容:ConfigurationProperties和AutoConfiguration.因为Spring Boot坚信“约定大于配置”这一理念, 所以我们使用ConfigurationProperties来保存我们的配置,并且这些配置都可以有一个默认值,即在我们没有主动覆写原始配置的情况下,默认值就会生效,这在很多情况下是非常有用的. 除此之外,starter的Con…