Fauce:Fast and Accurate Deep Ensembles with Uncertainty for Cardinality Estimation 论文解读(VLDB 2021) 本篇博客是对Fauce:Fast and Accurate Deep Ensembles with Uncertainty for Cardinality Estimation 论文的解读.原文链接为p1950-liu.pdf ( 本文设计一种基于集成深度神经网络的基于查询的选择度估…
DART: a fast and accurate RNA-seq mapper with a partitioning strategyDART:使用分区策略的快速准确的RNA-seq映射器 Abstract Motivation(动机): 近年来,大规模并行cDNA测序(RNA-Seq)技术已成为提供高分辨率测量表达和检测低丰度转录本的高灵敏度的强大工具. 但是,RNA-seq数据需要大量的计算量. 最根本和关键的步骤是将每个序列片段与参考基因组进行比对.近年来已经开发了各种从头拼接的RNA…
文献名:Fast and accurate bacterial species identification in urine specimens using LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry and machine learning(利用质谱技术和机器学习模型在尿液样本中快速准确地进行菌种鉴定) doi: 10.1074/mcp.TIR119.001559 期刊名:Mol Cell Proteomics 作者:Florence Roux-Dalvai 通讯作者:Arnaud…
SIGCOMM17 摘要 在现有的网络测量任务中包括流量监测.数据收集和一系列网络攻击的预防.现有的基于sketch的测量算法存在严重性能损失.大量计算开销以及测量的精确性不足,而基于硬件的优化方法并不适合sketch.为了完成这些任务,设计了一种基于纯软件包转发的网络测量框架,并改进现有算法提出了两种算法.这个网络测量框架具有高性能(line-rate).高精度.广泛性(适用于多种sketch算法).自动化(自动调节负载)的特点.框架包括数据平面和控制平面,每个软件交换机对应一个数据平面,每个…
This article come from HEREARS-L1: Learning Tuesday 10:30–12:30; Oral Session; Room: Leonard de Vinci 10:30  ARS-L1.1—GROUP STRUCTURED DIRTY DICTIONARY LEARNING FOR CLASSIFICATION Yuanming Suo, Minh Dao, Trac Tran, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Hojj…
CVPR2017 paper list Machine Learning 1 Spotlight 1-1A Exclusivity-Consistency Regularized Multi-View Subspace Clustering Xiaojie Guo, Xiaobo Wang, Zhen Lei, Changqing Zhang, Stan Z. Li Borrowing Treasures From the Wealthy: Deep Transfer Learning Thro…
Computer Graphics Research Software Helping you avoid re-inventing the wheel since 2009! Last updated December 5, 2012.Try searching this page for keywords like 'segmentation' or 'PLY'.If you would like to contribute links, please e-mail them to rms@…
Paper about Event Detection. #@author: gr #@date: 2014-03-15 #@email: 看一些相关的论文. 1. <Efficient Visual Event Detection using Volumetric Features> ICCV 2005 扩展2D box 特征到3D时空特征. 构建一个实时的检测器基于容积特征. 采用传统的兴趣点方法检测事件. 2. <ARMA-HMM: A New…
A novel massively parallel supercomputer of hundreds of teraOPS-scale includes node architectures based upon System-On-a-Chip technology, i.e., each processing node comprises a single Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). Within each ASIC n…