转载 http://www.zinox.com/archives/144 Thanks to Max Petrenko of DB2 Toronto Lab for sharing a very useful script to remove check pending status from the DB2 tables after LOAD or other operations. It is easy to generate a check pending script, but the…
通常在数据库上线之前,我们都会对数据库做周密的规划,无论在测试阶段还是上线之初,也难免由于需求的更改会对数据中的表做一些更改.而某些alter table语句则会导致该表处于reorg-pending状态.下面做一些总结: alter table <tablename> alter <colname> set data type <new data type>下面的表格,在reorg recommaded列注明了那些更改需要reorg: 1. SET INLINE…
source: http://linoxide.com/linux-shell-script/shell-script-check-linux-system-health/ This article introduces a shell script to perform linux system health check.This script collects system information and status like hostname, kernel version, uptim…
1.DB2数据库表操作错误SQL0668N Operation not allowed for reason code "1" on table "XXXX". SQLSTATE=57016的解决方法 The table is in Check Pending state. The integrity of the table is not enforced and the content of the table may be invalid. An operat…
在应用中,我们经常会碰到sql执行很慢,但是数据库cpu和内存使用率又不高的情况,类似的问题基本上由于锁,排序等原因造成,本文主要描述如何去定位锁等待问题,谁在锁等待?等待谁持有的锁?锁在那个表? 一.测试准备 1.先在session1执行如下操作,创建测试表 #db2 connect to eos #export DB2OPTIONS=+C #db2 "create table tacy_test (a int not null primary key,b varchar(10))"…