C++ 之const Member Functions】的更多相关文章

Extraction from C++ primer 5th Edition 7.1.2 The purpose of the const that follows the parameter list of an ordinary member function is to modify the type of the implicit this pointer. By default, the type of this is a const pointer to the nonconst v…
[1]Nonstatic Member Functions(非静态成员函数) C++的设计准则之一就是:nonstatic member function至少必须和一般的nonmember function有相同的效率.也就是说,如果我们要在以下两个函数之间作选择: float magnitude3d(const Point3d* _this) {...}; float Point3d::magnitude3d() const {...}; 那么选择member function不应该带来什么额…
Ref http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/some-interesting-facts-about-static-member-functions-in-c/ 1) static member functions do not have this pointer. 2) A static member function cannot be virtual (See thisG-Fact) 3) Member function declarations with the s…
Special Member Functions 区别于定义类的行为的普通成员函数,类内有一类特殊的成员函数,它们负责类的构造.拷贝.移动.销毁. 构造函数 构造函数控制对象的初始化过程,具体来说,就是初始化对象的数据成员.构造函数的名字与类名相同,且没有返回值.构造函数也可以有重载,重载区别于参数数量或参数类型.与其他成员函数不同的是,构造函数不能被声明为const,对象的常量属性是在构造函数完成初始化之后获得的. 默认构造函数 默认构造函数的工作是:如果在类内定义了成员的初始值,那么用初始值…
static member variable[可读可写] 可以通过指针间接修改变量的值 static const member variable[只读] 压根就不可以修改变量的值,会报错…
virtual member functions的实现(就单一继承而言): 1.实现:首先会给有多态的class object身上增加两个members:一个字符串或数字便是class的类型,一个是指针,指向某表格,表格中带有程序的virtual functions的执行期的地址(具体一点是一个offset,相对于对象首地址的偏移量),表格中的地址是在编译期被建立起来的,而且这一组地址是固定不变的,在执行期不可能新增会替换.所以其构建和存取皆可以由编译器完全来掌握,不需要执行期的任何介入.前面讲…
Use of 'Const' in Function Return Values 为什么要在函数的返回值类型中添加Const? 1.Features Of the possible combinations of pointers and 'const', the constant pointer to a variable is useful for storage that can be changed in value but not moved in memory. Even more…
I write a code section as this struct My{const int a;}; OK, then set the warning level then I will got this c:\users\luli1\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\consoleapplication3\header1.h(4): error C2220: warning treated as error - no 'object' fil…
// const和函数一起使用的情况 class Dog { int age; string name; public: Dog() { age = 3; name = "dummy"; } // 参数为const,不能被修改 void setAge(const int& a) { age = a; } // 实参是常量时,调用此函数 void setAge(int& a) { age = a; } // 实参不是常量时,调用此函数 void setAge(const…
成员函数以定从属于类,不能独立存在,这是它与普通函数的重要区别.所以我们在类定义体外定义成员函数的时候,必须在函数名之前冠以类名,如Date::isLeapYear().但如果在类定义体内定义成员函数时,并不需要在成员函数前冠以类名. //============================================= //日期类应用程序 //============================================= #include <iostream> #incl…
99页 导致较大封装性的是non-member non-friend函数,因为它并不增加“能否访问class内之private成分”的函数数量.…
http://www.cplusplus.com 搜了才发现map的成员函数这么多orz,跟着cplusplus按字典序走一遍叭(顺序有微调orz <1>  map::at (c++11) // map::at //Returns a reference to the mapped value of the element identified with key k. //If k does not match the key of any element in the container,…
Const可以修饰什么?   Const 关键字是万能的,在类外部,你可以用它修饰全局的或者命名空间范围内的常量,也可以用它来修饰文件,函数和块作用域的静态常量.在类内部,你可以使用它来声明静态或者非静态的数据成员.对于指针来说,你可以指定指针本身是不是const,指针指向的数据是不是const,两者可以同时为const或者两者同时为非const. Char greeting[]="Hello"; Char *p = greeting;//non-const pointer non-c…
Const可以修饰什么?   Const 关键字是万能的,在类外部,你可以用它修饰全局的或者命名空间范围内的常量,也可以用它来修饰文件,函数和块作用域的静态常量.在类内部,你可以使用它来声明静态或者非静态的数据成员.对于指针来说,你可以指定指针本身是不是const,指针指向的数据是不是const,两者可以同时为const或者两者同时为非const. Char greeting[]=”Hello”; Char *p = greeting;//non-const pointer non-const…
Item 1: Understand template type deduction. Item 2: Understand auto type deduction. Item 3: Understand decltype. Item 4: Know how to view deduced types. Item 5: Prefer auto to explicit type declarations. Item 6: Use the explicitly typed initializer i…
也是醉了,一个.h文件就有这么多细节问题: 初始化列表,使用{} 也可以. 类中的引用和const变量,必须立即在初始化列表中提前初始化. 常成员函数,const 放在函数后, 常成员函数即不能改变成员变量值的函数.例如 getxxx() const; mutable类型,当需要在const的函数里面修改一些跟类状态无关的数据成员,那么这个数据成员就应该被mutalbe来修饰.例如 class中的计数器,类中函数都用,包括const函数. 友元类,其所有成员函数都是另一个类的友元函数,都可以访问…
1 There are certain rules when using references: (Page 451) A reference must be initialized when it is created. (Pointers can be initialized at any time.) Once a reference is initialized to an object, it cannot be changed to refer to another object.…
The first motivation for const seems to have been to eliminate the use of preprocessor #define for value substitution. It has since been put to use for pointers, function arguments, return types, class objects and member functions. (Page 334) 1 Value…
Overloading operators   Classes, essentially, define new types to be used in C++ code. And types in C++ not only interact with code by means of constructions and assignments. They also interact by means of operators. For example, take the following o…
https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Game-Development-Patterns-and-Best-Practices https://github.com/mattCasanova/Mach5 1. Introduction to Design Patterns (已看) 2. One Instance to Rule Them All - Singletons (已看) 3. Creating Flexibility with the Componen…
<Essential C++>读书笔记 之 基于对象编程风格 2014-07-13 4.1 如何实现一个class 4.2 什么是Constructors(构造函数)和Destructors(析构函数) Constructor Member Initialization List(成员初值表) Destructor Memberwise initialization(成员逐一初始化) 4.3 何谓mutable(可变)和const(不变) Mutable Data Member(可变的数据成员…
100 TOP Ikm C++ Online Test Questions 2017 http://interviewquestionstutorials.com/tag/100-top-ikm-c-online-test-questions/ 2. Which correctly describe C++ language? A. Statically typed language Type system - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ty…
C++ Core Guidelines September 9, 2015 Editors: Bjarne Stroustrup Herb Sutter This document is a very early draft. It is inkorrekt, incompleat, and pµøoorly formatted. Had it been an open source (code) project, this would have been release 0.6. Copy…
Threading Classes (Qt help manual key words) These Qt Core classes provide threading support to applications. The Thread Support in Qt page covers how to use these classes. low-level className ... QThread Platform-independent way to manage threads QR…
技术在于交流.沟通,转载请注明出处并保持作品的完整性. 概要: 知识点1 构造函数与析构函数 知识点2 参数与返回值 知识点3 const 知识点4 函数重载(要与重写区分开) 知识点5 友元 先以C++的两大经典class(complex 不含指针,   string 含指针)之一 complex(复数类) 做例子. #ifndef complex_hpp //防止头文件重复 #define complex_hpp #include <stdio.h> class complex { pub…
The fundamental ideas behind classes are data abstraction and encapsulation. Data abstraction is a programming technical that relies on the separation of interface(declaration) and implementation(definition) A class designer desings and implements a…
1.For the most part, coming up with appropriate definitions for your classes (and class templates) and appropriate declarations for your functions (and function templates) is the lion's share of the battle. Once you've got those right, the correspond…
<Item 1>View C++ as a federation of languages. 1.把C++看成4种子语言组成,即C.Object-Oriented C++.Template C++.The STL. 2.Things to Remember:Rules for effective C++ programming vary, depending on the part of C++ you are using. 因为C++有很多的编程范式,在项目开发过程中,明确规范怎么使用C++…
class complex{ public: complex (double r = 0, double i = 0):re(r), im(i){} //inline complex& operator += {const complex&}; double real() const{return re;} //inline double imag() const{return im;} //inline private: double re,im; friend complex&…
4.4 指向Member Function的指针 (Pointer-to-Member Functions) 取一个nonstatic data member的地址,得到的结果是该member在 class 布局中的byte位置(再加1),它是一个不完整的值,须要被绑定于某个 class object的地址上,才可以被存取. 取一个nonstatic member function的地址,假设该函数是nonvirtual,则得到的结果是它在内存中真正的地址.然而这个值也是不全然的,它也须要被绑定…