Install R & RStudio for Ubuntu】的更多相关文章

Install R official source to install the latest R system. add R source   sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list # append below line to end of sources.list # you can view mirror at deb…
R sudo apt-get install R-base Rstudio()下载Rstudio桌面版失败 sudo apt-get install gdebi-core 如果提示少了什么东西,运行下面的命令 sudo apt-get -f install sudo apt-get install gdebi-coresudo apt-get install libapparmor1 // 如果没有下载可以运行这个命令: wget…
安装了Ubuntu 12.04 64bit, 想在上面安装Oracle 11gr2,网上找了好多文档都没成功,最后完全参考了MordicusEtCubitus的文章. 成功安装的关键点:install additional packages, 在link过程中处理错误的方法. 原文: Before…
原文: LAMP is a combination of operating system and open-source software stack. The acronym LAMP came from the first letters ofLinux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL or MariaDB database, and PH…
Install Google Pinyin on Ubuntu 14.04 I've been spending more and more time on Ubuntu and I'm not used to the Chinese keyboard that ships with Ubuntu. The keyboard on Android works pretty well so here's a quick tutorial on how to install it on Ubuntu…
# How to install a Redmine on Ubuntu system Ref to: # Change the password of admin user Above all, you need to switch into root role ```…
生成文件 pip freeze > requirements.txt pip install --help Usage: pip install [options] <requirement specifier> [package-index-options] ... pip install [options] -r <requirements file> [package-index-options] ... pip install [options] [-e] <v…
adb install -r 中出现INSTALL_FAILED_UNKNOWN_SOURCES,怎样解决? D:\android_code\0708\tools>adb install -r D:\work_feixun\Gallery2.apk3030 KB/s (7663016 bytes in 2.469s) pkg: /data/local/tmp/Gallery2.apkFailure [INSTALL_FAILED_UNKNOWN_SOURCES] 解决:设置->安全->未… sudo apt-get install chromium-browser up vote 386 down vote favorite 111 How do you install Google Chrome on Ubuntu? software-installation google-chrome shareimprove this question ed…
1. NS3 install 参考NS3 tutorial即可. 2.eclipse 2.1下载 下载地址:               Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers NOTE: you can know whether your ubuntu is 32-bit or 64-bit by executing the command "uname -m". 如果显示i686,你安装了3…