hdu 5000 dp **】的更多相关文章

题目中提到  It guarantees that the sum of T[i] in each test case is no more than 2000 and 1 <= T[i]. 加上一堆顺序,基本可以猜到是属于递推形的dp dp[i][j]表示前i个和为j时的方案数 dp方程:   dp[i][j]+=dp[i][j-k] #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include…
Man Down Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 2030    Accepted Submission(s): 743 Problem Description The Game “Man Down 100 floors” is an famous and interesting game.You can enjoy t…
给出点集,和不大于L长的绳子,问能包裹住的最多点数. 考虑每个点都作为左下角的起点跑一遍极角序求凸包,求的过程中用DP记录当前以j为当前末端为结束的的最小长度,其中一维作为背包的是凸包内侧点的数量.也就是 dp[j][k]代表当前链末端为j,其内部点包括边界数量为k的最小长度.这样最后得到的一定是最优的凸包. 然后就是要注意要dp[j][k]的值不能超过L,每跑一次凸包,求个最大的点数量就好了. 和DP结合的计算几何题,主要考虑DP怎么搞 /** @Date : 2017-09-27 17:27…
Problem Description After eating food from Chernobyl, DRD got a super power: he could clone himself right now! He used this power for several times. He found out that this power was not as perfect as he wanted. For example, some of the cloned objects…
Clone Time Limit : 2000/1000ms (Java/Other)   Memory Limit : 65536/65536K (Java/Other) Total Submission(s) : 8   Accepted Submission(s) : 5 Font: Times New Roman | Verdana | Georgia Font Size: ← → Problem Description After eating food from Chernobyl,…
http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5000 题意:有n种属性,每种属性的数值可以是0-T[i],当一个人属性全部小于等于另一个人的属性时,小的那个人会被淘汰,问最多同时存在多少人 比赛的时候没有想到这题的关键点,没出来也是情理之中 解法:sum表示一个人的属性和.首先,人数最多的情况下这些人的sum是相同的,因为这种情况下一个属性减少另一个属性必然增加,保证满足条件.其次发现,sum=0的方案数和sum=ΣT[i]的方案数相同,因此在sum=(Σ…
Bone Collector II Time Limit: 5000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 3471    Accepted Submission(s): 1792 Problem Description The title of this problem is familiar,isn't it?yeah,if you had took par…
http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5000 每只羊有n个属性 下面n个数字表示每个属性的值范围为[ 0, T[i] ] 对于羊圈里的a羊和b羊,若a羊的每个属性都>=b羊,则a羊会杀死b羊. 问羊圈里最多存活多少只羊. sum相同的羊不会互相杀死. sum不同的羊不会重合.(我们设a羊sum = x,b羊sum = y,若a,b羊能共存,但不会把ab同时放到羊圈里. 因为一定存在一只羊c ,sum = x,且c和b不能共存,既然不能共存,则我们放…
B - Monkey and Banana Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice HDU 1069 Appoint description: Description A group of researchers are designing an experiment to test the IQ of a monkey. They wi…
G - FatMouse's Speed Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice HDU 1160 Appoint description: Description FatMouse believes that the fatter a mouse is, the faster it runs. To disprove this, you…