65. Valid Number *HARD*】的更多相关文章

Validate if a given string can be interpreted as a decimal number. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true" -90e3   " => true" 1e…
Difficulty: Hard  More:[目录]LeetCode Java实现 Description Validate if a given string can be interpreted as a decimal number. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10&qu…
Valid Number  Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples: "0" => true " 0.1 " => true "abc" => false "1 a" => false "2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to…
Validate if a given string can be interpreted as a decimal number. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true" -90e3   " => true" 1e…
由于老是更新简单题,我已经醉了,所以今天直接上一道通过率最低的题. 题意:判断字符串是否是一个合法的数字 定义有符号的数字是(n),无符号的数字是(un),有符号的兼容无符号的 合法的数字只有下列几种组合:(其中E可以大写) 有小数点和e (n).(un)e(n) .(un)e(n) (n).e(n) 仅仅有小数点的 (n).(un) .(un) (n). 仅仅有e的 (n)e(n) 没有e的 (n) 只要分别判断这上面的8种情况就能得到正确的答案 更好的解法其实是一种叫做有限状态机的解法,下次…
(在队友怂恿下写了LeetCode上的一个水题) 传送门 Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples: "0" => true " 0.1 " => true "abc" => false "1 a" => false "2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the probl…
题目: Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous.…
一天一道LeetCode 本系列文章已全部上传至我的github,地址:ZeeCoder's Github 欢迎大家关注我的新浪微博,我的新浪微博 欢迎转载,转载请注明出处 (一)题目 Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples: "0" => true " 0.1 " => true "abc" => false "1 a" => fals…
[抄题]: Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous…
Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous. You…
[思路]该题题干不是很明确,只能根据用例来理解什么样的字符串才是符合题意的,本题关键在于几个标志位的设立,将字符串分为几个部分,代码如下: class Solution { public: string trim(string s) { ; while(s[i]==' ') i ++; //开头处为空格或者Tab,则跳过 s=s.substr(i); i=s.size()-; while(s[i]==' ') i --; //结尾处为空格或者Tab,则跳过 s=s.substr(,i+); re…
Valid Number Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be am…
Validate if a given string is numeric. Have you met this question in a real interview? Yes Example "0" => true " 0.1 " => true "abc" => false "1 a" => false "2e10" => true LeetCode上的原题,请参见我之…
Valid Number Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be am…
问题描述: 为了配置邮件服务器,更改了相关域名,改完后,重启bind9报错 Mar 17 14:39:39 DnsServer2 named[822]: dns_rdata_fromtext: /etc/bind/db.asertest.com:11: near 'mail.asertest.com.': not a valid number Mar 17 14:39:39 DnsServer2 named[822]: zone asertest.com/IN: loading from mas…
Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous. You…
Valid NumberValidate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => trueNote: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambi…
题目 Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples: "0" => true " 0.1 " => true "abc" => false "1 a" => false "2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguo…
Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous. You…
Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous. You…
原题地址:http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/valid-number/ 题意:判断输入的字符串是否是合法的数. 解题思路:这题只能用确定有穷状态自动机(DFA)来写会比较优雅.本文参考了http://www.cnblogs.com/zuoyuan/p/3703075.html里面的内容,在此致谢! 先要知道到底哪些数是合理的. e之前呢. 123 .123 123.456 123. +123 +.123 e之后 123 +123 首先这个题有9种状态: 0初始无输入…
原题地址:http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/valid-number/ 题意:判断输入的字符串是否是合法的数. 解题思路:这题只能用确定有穷状态自动机(DFA)来写会比较优雅.本文参考了http://blog.csdn.net/kenden23/article/details/18696083里面的内容,在此致谢! 首先这个题有9种状态: 0初始无输入或者只有space的状态1输入了数字之后的状态2前面无数字,只输入了dot的状态3输入了符号状态4前面有数字和有do…
Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples: "0" => true " 0.1 " => true "abc" => false "1 a" => false "2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous.…
问题描述: Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true public boolean isNumber(String s) { s = s.trim(); if (s.length…
Given string S and a dictionary of words words, find the number of words[i] that is a subsequence of S. Example : Input: S = "abcde" words = ["a", "bb", "acd", "ace"] Output: 3 Explanation: There are three…
Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous. You…
Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true 解决方案: public class Solution { public boolean isNumber(String s) { in…
Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous. You…
Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples: "0" => true " 0.1 " => true "abc" => false "1 a" => false "2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous.…
题目: Validate if a given string is numeric. Some examples:"0" => true" 0.1 " => true"abc" => false"1 a" => false"2e10" => true Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous.…