Find out files transfered via Bluetooth】的更多相关文章

The case was about business secret and forensic guy did a physical acquisition from a smart phone. He'd like to find out files relates to sensitive data by examining the image file. A file named "top-secret.docx" draw forensic guy's attention. B…
As a professional forensic guy, you can not be too careful to anlyze the evidence. Especially when the case is about malware or hacker. Protect your workstation is your responsibility. You are a professional forensic examiner, so don't get infected w…
ShareThis - By Vikas Verma Bluetooth low energy (BLE) is a feature of Bluetooth 4.0 wireless radio technology, aimed at new, principally low-power and low-latency, applications for wireless devices within a short range. As I discussed in my previous…
Android provides a default Bluetooth stack, BlueDroid, that is divided into two layers: The Bluetooth Embedded System (BTE), which implements the core Bluetooth functionality and the Bluetooth Application Layer (BTA), which communicates with Android…
Android provides a default Bluetooth stack, BlueDroid, that is divided into two layers: The Bluetooth Embedded System (BTE), which implements the core Bluetooth functionality and the Bluetooth Application Layer (BTA), which communicates with Android…
前言 小甲鱼说,在对前边的小游戏改善前,先了解下,Python中的变量与字符串. 主要内容 变量 变量名就像我们现实社会的名字,把一个值赋值给一个名字时,Ta会存储在内存中,称之为变量(variable),在大多数语言中,都把这种行为称为"给变量赋值"或"把值存储在变量中" 不过python与大多数其他计算机语言的做法稍有不同,Ta并不是把值存储在变量中,而更像是把名字贴在值的上边. 所以有些python程序员会说"python"没有"…
项目构建过程包括[清理项目]→[编译项目]→[测试项目]→[生成测试报告]→[打包项目]→[部署项目]这几个步骤,这六个步骤就是一个项目的完整构建过程. 下载后解压   配置环境变量 F:\jtDevelop\maventest\myapp>echo %JAVA_HOME% D:\Java\jdk1..0_91 F:\jtDevelop\maventest\myapp>echo %MAVEN_HOME% F:\jtDevelop\tool\java\apache-maven- F:\jtDev…
PIC24FJ64GB002 with bluetooth USB dongle I will explain my project (how to control a bluetooth USB dongle by PIC24FJ64G002 on HCI protocol layer) step by step. I recommend you to check your bluetooth USB dongle. Some dongle has a hub construction. He…
去年地摊买的破无线鼠标坏掉了.看上微软的Designer Mouse蓝牙鼠,但是买之前我要确认我能不能驱起来. 这款鼠标只支持蓝牙4.0.系统支持windows8以上,不支持xp和windows7. 其他系统支持mac和android,没写linux. 由于之前也没搞过蓝牙设备,所以需要了解一下linux下的蓝牙设备.然后在解决鼠标的问题. 需要解决的问题: 1. archlinux下蓝牙设备的使用与配置 2. 确定T450的蓝牙版本. 3. 驱鼠标. 首先,按照惯例还是读一下万事万灵的arch…
从Android 4.2开始,Bluetooth stack发生了重大改变:从Bluez换成了由Google和Broadcom联合开发的Bluedroid(当然,核心的部分还是Broadcom的,Google主要是做了和上层Framework相关的部分).通过可以大概了解新的Bluetooth stack的架构,总的来说相关文档很少,主要靠阅读代码进行深入了解. Bluedroid和Bluez相比,有…