Description Willy the spider used to live in the chemistry laboratory of Dr. Petro. He used to wander about the lab pipes and sometimes inside empty ones. One night while he was in a pipe, he fell asleep. The next morning, Dr. Petro came to the lab.…
Maya Calendar Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 64795   Accepted: 19978 Description During his last sabbatical, professor M. A. Ya made a surprising discovery about the old Maya calendar. From an old knotted message, profes…
链接: Pots Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 8253   Accepted: 3499   Special Judge Description You are given two pots, havin…
链接: Parencodings Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 17044   Accepted: 10199 Description Let S = s1 s2...s2n be a well-forme…
Description Let S = s1 s2...s2n be a well-formed string of parentheses. S can be encoded in two different ways: q By an integer sequence P = p1 where pi is the number of left parentheses before the ith right parenthesis in S (P-sequence). q B…
题目链接 题意 : 一个10×15的格子,有三种颜色的球,颜色相同且在同一片内的球叫做cluster(具体解释就是,两个球颜色相同且一个球可以通过上下左右到达另一个球,则这两个球属于同一个cluster,同时cluster含有至少两个球),每次选择cluster中包含同色球最多的进行消除,每次消除完之后,上边的要往下移填满空的地方,一列上的球移动之前与之后相对位置不变,如果有空列,右边的列往左移动,每一列相对位置不变 . 思路 : 模拟......不停的递归..... ////POJ 1027…
题目链接: Description A common pastime for poker players at a poker table is to shuffle stacks of chips. Shuffling chips is performed by starting with two stacks of poker chips, S1 and S2, each stack containing C chips. Each…
Description A common pastime for poker players at a poker table is to shuffle stacks of chips. Shuffling chips is performed by starting with two stacks of poker chips, S1 and S2, each stack containing C chips. Each stack may contain chips of several…
题目链接 Description You, as a member of a development team for a new spell checking program, are to write a module that will check the correctness of given words using a known dictionary of all correct words in all their forms. If the word is absent in…
链接:poj 2632 题意:在n*m的房间有num个机器,它们的坐标和方向已知,现给定一些指令及机器k运行的次数, L代表机器方向向左旋转90°,R代表机器方向向右旋转90°,F表示前进,每次前进一米 若前进时机器i撞到机器j,输出"Robot i crashes into robot j " 若机器走出了n*m的房间,输出"Robot i crashes into the wall " 当出现上述情况.仅仅需输出第一次出现上述的情况 若全部指令运行完,全部机器都…